Regional Governance |
When President Nixon, on February 10, 1972, decreed that the United States
of America was henceforth divided into ten federal regions to be run by ten
Federal Regional Councils, he was carrying out the meticulously-drawn
plans of America's unelected rulers, the CFR/CED combine, financed
by the giant tax-free foundations.
This master plan has been in the making for many years.
During the 1954 Congressional hearings on tax-exempt foundations, Thomas M. McNiece, Assistant Research Director of the Reece Committee stated:
"Over the past 50 years sweeping changes have occurred in this country in the function and activity of the federal government… Among these is the increasing participation of the federal government in education, slum clearance, nutrition and health, power generation, subsidization of agriculture, wage control, and other activities…
"Most, if not all, of these newer activities of government are recommended in one place or another in publications of (or)… reports by various educational groups, social science and others, supported by foundation grants.
"They are so foreign to the concept of our government of enumerated powers as we have known it under the Constitution that the departure has been referred to as a 'revolution' by one of its proponents.
"A revolution planned in higher circles by some people at the policy-making levels may be very far advanced toward successful accomplishment before the general public is aware of it. Such a program has been in progress in this country for years."
An idea of how the giant tax-free foundations have managed to infiltrate the stream of government is seen in the book, "The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation," by Raymond B. Fosdick, long associated with the Rockefeller Foundation.
Describing an early program of the Rockefeller Foundation -- one called Public Administration, Fosdick stated:
"This program, which fringed out into broad areas of community planning, had at its core the idea of adequate training for government personnel, particularly in the federal services."
Below is an excerpt from the 1936 Annual Report of the Rockefeller Foundation, which is of particular pertinence in relation tot he question of influencing governmental activity:
"The program in Public Administration is designed to bridge the gap that exists between practical administrators in the government service and scholars in the universities in the field of social sciences. Aid has been given to the Social Science Research Council's Committee on Public Administration, which itself sponsors research upon key problems of public administration.
"The (Rockefeller) Foundation supports a number of such research enterprises together with a variety of projects designed to recruit and train a higher type of personnel for career service in the government."
And, remember, the foregoing report of the Rockefeller Foundation was written 'way back in 1936.
Rene A. Wormser, Counsel to the 1954 Reece Committee hearings on tax-exempt foundations, in his book, "Foundations: Their Power and Influence", had this to say regarding the type of thinking and training promoted by the tax-free foundations:
"They (the foundations) have actually supported attacks upon our social and government system, and financed the promotion of Socialism and collectivist ideas."
[CDR NOTE: It is the opinion of this writer that every American who cherishes freedom from tyranny should read Wormser's book, mentioned above. The report and findings of the Reece Committee are contained in an Annex in the back of the book, along with a meticulously thorough index. The book is an invaluable research tool. Purchase from: Covenant House Books, P.O. Box 4690, Sevierville, Tennessee, 37864. (865) 428-5176 for phone orders - Visa/MasterCard - $12.97 includes s&h.]
Wormser's consternation in 1954 is understandable: What would he say today about Nixon's decreeing ten Federal Regional Councils to eventually supersede the 50 once-sovereign States?
The Rockefeller Foundation wasn't kidding: it puts its millions where its propaganda mouth is!
In order to facilitate the injection of collectivist ideas into various governmental bodies through the nation, the Spelman Fund of New York was created on December 27, 1928, with a capital of $10 million provided by the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial.
The Spelman Fund Annual Report of 1947-1948 stated that:
"Grants totaling $3 million were later made to the Fund by the Rockefeller Foundation… The Spelman Fund assumed as its major responsibility an exploration of the possibilities of cooperation with public bodies for the improvement of public administration."
It should be remembered that when the Leftist-oriented Rockefeller Foundation speaks of the "improvement of public administration", what it actually means is the furtherance of their over-all plan for control of local representative government.
But, to mount such a gigantic project -- the virtual tearing asunder of the safeguards provided the people by the U. S. Constitution -- required that a headquarters be provided.
And, of course, it WAS provided.
The 1947-1948 Annual Report of the tax-exempt Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund revealed:
"In 1938, a new building at 1313 East Sixtieth Street, Chicago (constructed under grants from the Spelman Fund) was completed to provide adequate quarters… for the use and occupancy of the national governmental organizations. This building has come to be known as '1313'.
"… An agency known as the Public Administration Clearing House was set up… Endorsement of the Public Administration Clearing House came from the National Municipal League, the American Municipal Association, etc….
"The Public Administration Clearing House manages the building at 1313 E. Sixtieth Street, Chicago."
Further financing for the "1313" has been provided by the Carnegie Corporation, the Julius Rosenwald (Sears Roebuck & Company) Fund, and the Russell Sage Foundation.
In his article in the January 1973 issue of AMERICAN OPINION magazine Gary Allen said that the primary funding now comes from the Ford Foundation which has "poured tens of millions of dollars into scores, possibly hundreds of regional government projects" promoted by "1313".
The following 22 organizations concerned with governmental operations at the various levels are located at "1313":
American Public Welfare Association
American Public Works Association
American Society of Planning Officials
American Society for Public Administration
Building Officials Conference of America
Committee for International Municipal Cooperation -- U.S.A.
Conference of Chief Justices
Council of State Governments
Federation of Tax Administrators
Governors' ConferenceInternational Association of Assessing Officers
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Municipal Finance Officers Association
National Association of Attorneys General
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
National League of Cities
National Legislative Conference
Public Administration Service
Public Personnel Association
[CDR NOTE: The list of adjunct associations today is much greater. The Council of State Governments created 56 adjunct Associations. Every public elected official today, and most or every appointed bureaucrat -- is oriented by the Association designed to fit the office. The Associations are under the control, guidance and manipulation of the One-Worlders.]
THE DAN SMOOT REPORT of April 3, 1959, described "1313" thusly:
"1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, has become a national center for the production of experts - to fabricate 'progressive' legislation for governments at all levels, to rewrite our 'archaic' State constitutions, and to take over as city managers, or county managers, or metropolitan managers, or regional managers whenever people in any locality have progressed to the point of accepting government by imported experts as a substitute for government by elected local citizens."
Smoot then went on to state that not all city managers and county managers come directly from "1313", but the "tap roots of their 'contacts', if not their training, can usually be traced to that source."
In her book "Blame Metro", Jo Hindman has this to say:
"Government by appointees is basic Metro strategy. Appointeeship is vital to 1313's tyrannical purpose, because citizens cannot vote appointees out of office, regardless of scandals, misuse of public funds, or the blatant stupidity of the appointees."
An examination of the previously-listed groups headquartered at "1313" clearly shows the scope of these organizations which deal with legislative, administrative and juridical aspects of State, county and local government.
Under the "1313" conglomerate there is a special organization to advise, guide and ultimately control: State governors (Governors' Conference); State legislators (Council of State Governments); State Supreme Courts (Conference of Chief Justices); as well as State Attorneys General, mayors (National League of Cities); city managers (International City Managers' Association) and State budget and purchasing officials and officeholders throughout the governmental structure of each State.
It is the trainees of the various organizations clustered around "1313" -- men steeped in the Liberalism-collectivism promoted by the tax-free foundations -- men indoctrinated with a disdain for the Constitutional concept of the rights of the sovereign States -- who are now implementing Metro-government in various sections of the country. And [it is they] who will staff and/or advise the ten Federal Regional Councils established by President Nixon via Executive order.
Although Metro's nerve center is located at 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, the mastermind of the "1313" clearing house is the National Municipal League (NML) situated on East 68th Street in New York City. Which makes for great convenience for the CFR/CED combine, as the NML is right across the street from the headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations! It is the NML which determines over-all policy for "1313".
On May 13, 1968, the NML mailed out quantities of a pamphlet entitled, "Let's Junk Our Obsolete State Constitutions".
The National Municipal League has published two series of books which are recommended reading for delegates to State Constitutional Conventions.
Series I contains the following:
"The Model State Constitution"
"Salient Issues of Constitutional Revision"
"The Future Role of the States"
"The Constitutional Convention: A Manual on its Planning, Organization and Operation"
"How to Study a State Constitution"
In Series II is found the following:
"State Constitutions: The Shape of the Document"
"State Constitutions: Reapportionment"
"State Constitutions: The Governor"
"State Constitutions: The Structure of Administration"
"State Constitutions: The Bill of Rights"
The theme of these NML publications is that State Constitutions must be revised and "reformed" in accordance with regional and Metro concepts, and to that end: The power of the Governor should be greatly expanded and any checks and balances within the executive department eliminated; a drastic slashing of offices now subject to election -- these to be filled by appointees; and membership of most State Legislatures should be reduced to "expedite" the legislative process.
In her written testimony submitted on June 4, 1971 to the Urban Affairs Subcommittee, U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee on regional planning issues, Mrs. Jo Hindman stated:
"The NML writes sample Metro city and county charters, also State constitutions.
"You can recognize a Metro charter or constitution by its 'general grant of power', the exact opposite of 'reserved power' charters and constitutions which are drafted under the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
"Power-reserved-to-the-people charters and constitutions limit the ruling body, but Metro charters and constitutions give all power to the ruling body, stripping the citizens and voters of self-rule and self-government".
In an article in the May 1962 issue of the DAR MAGAZINE, published by the Daughters of the American Revolution, Mrs. Hindman discussed what she termed "a political law factory in Chicago" which drafts legislation embodying the aims of the Metrocrats.
Referring to the "oddly uniform bills, appearing simultaneously in various State legislatures during 1959", Mrs. Hindman revealed that "aroused citizen curiosity… led to detection of the amazing law factory in the Council of State Governments (CSG) at the collectivistic Metropolitan Government capitol" -- "1313" in Chicago.
Within the CSG is its Committee of State Officials on Suggested State Legislation. The CSG circulates a mail-order catalogue of laws, prepared by this committee, entitled "Suggested State Legislation -- Program for…" (year). The catalogue is issued annually.
According to Mrs. Hindman:
"States of the Union hold 'membership' in the CSG, pay tribute in the form of 'dues' and take orders written up in the form of 'model' and 'uniform' State laws."
An article in the February 1968 issue of the DAR MAGAZINE quoted Mrs. Hindman, as follows:
"The 1313 law factory publishes the prepackaged laws in a form convenient for copying, with a bland space for insertion of a bill number. The whole thing can be handed to a legislator to be introduced to the State legislature."
The obvious purpose of such prepackaged, uniform State laws is to eliminate all legal obstacles, as provided by State constitutions, to the staffing of Nixon's ten Federal Regional Councils and the implementation and facilitation of Metro government -- government by unelected appointees.
Not only are the experts at "1313" now drafting laws for State legislatures, and county and city legislative bodies to rubber-stamp, but the "1313" Metro syndicate also issues a barrage of propaganda to State and local officials selling the Metro concept. In addition, "1313" also concerns itself with creating local citizen-support for various aspects of Metro, which usually masquerade under such deceptive slogans as "home rule" and "efficiency."
The April 1969 NEWSLETTER of the National Service to Regional Councils reported that President Nixon, on February 14, 1969, had established by Executive Order a federal agency to be known as the Office of Intergovernmental Relations.
The purpose of this new agency is to coordinate the activities of federal agencies in their dealings with governments at the State and local levels.
The newsletter quoted the White House as explaining, "It (the new agency) will help to establish more decision-making authority at the federal regional offices…". An obvious allusion to the ten Federal Regional Councils later decreed by Nixon by his Executive Order of February 10, 1972. (See Chapter I)
According to the newsletter, the newly created Office of Intergovernmental Relations "will be working closely with the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations and will serve as an information advisor on intergovernmental affairs to the new cabinet-level Council for Urban Affairs".
In her previously-mentioned testimony submitted on June 4, 1971, to a Congressional subcommittee, Jo Hindman stated:
"Created by Congress in 1959, approved by President Dwight Eisenhower, the (federal) Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR) is completely controlled by Syndicate 1313. The nominating system gives the syndicate majority control of the 26-member commission."
Mrs. Hindman then went on to say that the ACIR writes voluminous reports and studies, as well as sample State and federal laws, pushing for their enactment through legislatures and Congress.
In her book, "BLAME METRO", Mrs. Hindman said that the ACIR was set up as a "beachhead within the federal government from which to bombard Congress and the 50 States with Metro laws and to have them enacted by 1313 'plants' acting as legislators".
As for the National Service to Regional Councils (NSRC) mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, it was formed by the joint action of "1313's" National Association of Counties.
Acting as a type of clearing house, the NSRC distributes a massive volume of pre-Metro propaganda to regional councils, opinion leaders, and the mass communications media.
The National Association of Counties (NACo), although its headquarters are located at 1101 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036, is a unit of "1313", assigned to reconstitute county governments along Metro lines.
According to Mrs. Hindman, the advisory committee of NACo includes members of the National League of Cities; International City Managers Association; Public Administration Service (all headquartered at "1313" in Chicago) as well as the League of Women Voters, and the Committee on Economic Development (CED).
The National Association of counties has received substantial grants from the Leftist-oriented, tax-free Ford Foundation.
The July 1971 issue of the REGIONAL REVIEW QUARTERLY, published by the National Service to Regional Councils, quoted from a report of the National Association of Counties which listed the following city-county mergers which had taken place since 1957:
The 1971 NACo report stated that "Twenty-seven areas in the nation are now considering this alternative in restructuring their local governments."
Worthy of note in the NACo report is their observation that of the foregoing city-county consolidations, all except Indianapolis-Marion County were accomplished by referendum vote. Which brings up this question: How many of the voters of these areas would have voted for "metropolitanizing" their communities if they had had the facts about what Metro really means?
The January 1971 issue of PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, in discussing the consolidation of Columbus-Muscogee County, Georgia, stated:
"The Columbus-Muscogee plan provides for a professional city manager who is given strong executive powers similar to those set forth in the National Municipal League's "Model City charter". The manager has appointive and removal powers and broad supervisory authority over governmental departments and agencies. The new government also provides for a small governing body which is primarily responsible for policy determination."
Inasmuch as the National Municipal League is the mastermind of "1313", it is seen that all city-county mergers modeled on charters emanating from that quarter will ultimately result in great diminution of the power of the voter to control his local government.
In 1969 the Indiana House of Representatives and Senate voted to adopt "Unigov". Under this plan the boundaries of the city of Indianapolis were pushed outward to include the suburbs, thus incorporating Marion County's more affluent suburbs into the Indianapolis tax base.
Because Unigov became law by State legislative action, the voters of the area involved were denied the opportunity to express themselves.
The New Orleans (Louisiana) TIMES PICAYUNE of January 29, 1970 quoted a local interview with Indianapolis Mayor Richard G. Lugar:
"… 'No, we didn't have a referendum on this,', admitted Mayor Lugar. 'But a poll we had taken indicated that it was getting support by the people by about a 63-37 margin'."
Government by public-opinion poll, yet!
The article described Lugar as "the dapper young mayor, president-elect of the National League of Cities". (The NLC is headquartered at "1313" in Chicago.)
At an increasing rate, regional councils are being formed throughout the United States. The names vary in different localities, but the objectives are always the same. For instance, there's the Denver Regional Council of Government (COGs). In California there's the Association of Bay Area Governments (SKAG) [sic] and Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), but mostly the names contain the name of the city followed by the words "Council of Governments" or "Regional Council of Governments". (Note the plural "s" on the word "Government", thereby showing that such regional councils are each composed of several local governmental structures.)
[CDR NOTE: We've just discovered that the word "Soviet" -- as in Union of Soviet Socialist Republics -- means "Council". Think about THAT! In your mind, as you read, replace the word "Council" with the word "Soviet". How does that sound/feel? Soft and safe and warm and fuzzy?
An editorial in the Charleston (South Carolina) NEWS AND COURIER OF February 15, 1973, stated:
"The newly organized Regional Council of Governments should not be underestimated. They are formidable new governmental divisions which most citizens have yet to comprehend…"
Regional councils of governments (COGs) are deeply involved in local allocation of Federal funds.
In this connection, the NEWS AND COURIER editorial had this to say:
"As it happens, some administrators, who have no direct responsibility to the people hold positions of considerable power. A professional planning staff, operating under the auspices of the Charleston County (South Carolina) Planning Board, an appointive body, screens and reviews each funding application.
"Five of the ten members of a Regional Council subcommittee, including the chairman, are non-elected appointees. This subcommittee considers the planners' recommendations and decides on its own recommendation before passing applications to the Governor's office. In Columbia, other non-elected personnel funnel applications to non-elected bureaucrats in Washington, where a final decision is made…"
"In sum, the local picture of regional government shows a new governmental system with burgeoning authority functioning primarily under the direction of non-elected individuals."
The OREGON STATESMAN of March 3, 1969, carried a column by J. Wesley Sullivan concerning the Third Annual Conference of Regional Councils. Sullivan described councils of regional governments as follows:
"COGs are units of local government, such as cities and counties, which have joined in voluntary association to tackle regional problems on a regional basis."
According to Sullivan:
"Regional Councils of Government are being formed in most States, encouraged by the federal government. The encouragement takes the form of federal money to get them organized and help pay for staff.
"In addition, the federal government grants regional development money, in many cases, only to such councils with regional rather than merely local jurisdiction."
Indicative of how such COGs in the Metro apparatus operate beyond the reach of the voter, Sullivan had this to say:
"Armed both with federal money and appropriations from local governments, the regional councils don't report directly to the public. The voter never passes on their budgets."
Sullivan reported that of the nearly 400 present at the Third Annual Conference of Regional Councils, only a small minority were elected officials. The vast majority were, as he put it, "the new breed of regional civil servant, along with an important selection of federal officials who were there encouraging the regional concept".
What Metrocrats at the local or national level say and what they plan for the future bear no relationship to each other. Metrocrats have gulled the voters and officials at the local-government level into believing that their sole aim is "home rule", "more efficient" and therefore, "less expensive" government.
It is only when one reads publications of adjuncts of "1313" -- wherein Metrocrats talk to each other, does the true picture emerge.
For example, the REGIONAL REVIEW QUARTERLY of January 1971, published by the National Service to Regional Councils, confides to its readers:
"Regional councils, as presently organized, are not operating, taxing units of government.
"They do not provide direct services to the public. If they did, they would probably not be supported by their member local governments. The voluntary, non-governmental nature of regional councils is what makes them acceptable to existing local governments. As presently structured, regional councils are not a threat to local government powers or resources.
"In five years, regional councils, without any authority or power have changed local government relationships with each other, within the federal system. There is now a process, a stage, for cooperation between the central city and its suburban or rural communities."
Truly, the foregoing is a remarkable confession on the part of the promoters of Metro. Note the words: "As presently structured, regional councils are not a threat to local government powers." The key, of course, is "as presently structured", and even while those words were printed by one of "1313's" propaganda mouthpieces, the REGIONAL REVIEW QUARTERLY, the Metrocrats had already made their plans to change the structure of regional councils, so that such regional councils would, indeed, present a grave threat to local representative government. (This to be discussed later in this chapter)
And then, there is that bragging confession in the foregoing quote that the Metro promoters "without any authority or power have changed local government relationships".
The Metrocrats, smarting under this self-confessed "lack of authority or power", are determined to get that "authority and power" and all that goes with it.
An article candidly entitled "Regionalism: The Quiet Revolution", which appeared in the January 1971 issue of REGIONAL REVIEW QUARTERLY, contained a wealth of information -- not known to the general public -- concerning the comparatively recent growth of these "1313"-directed, Metro-promoting regional councils, or councils of governments, and how they are financed.
The aforementioned Metro publication reported that, as of then, January 1971 there were about 560 regional councils in the United States. These councils involve 80 per cent of the nation's population and 55 per cent of its land area. Fifty-five percent are in metropolitan regions; 45 per cent are located in non-metropolitan, less densely populated areas.
Only 10 per cent of existing regional councils were formed prior to 1960. The bulk [of regional councils] have been created since 1966.
Another indication of the rapid growth of Metro's work-horses (COGs) was the increased attendance at the Fourth Annual Conference of Regional Councils, which was held in Atlanta.
According to REGIONAL REVIEW QUARTERLY of April 1970:
"The attendance of more than 600 people was a 50 per cent increase over the 1969 conference in San Francisco. In Atlanta, one-fourth of those attending were policy people -- members of regional council policy bodies…
"More than 100 member regional councils were present and voting at the annual conference…
"The new Board includes representatives who are both policy leaders and staff directors of regional councils, with the majority being policy leaders.
"Finally, the new Board broadens the partnership of the regional council movement with cities and counties by provision of Board seats to the National League of Cities and the National Association of Counties.
As for the Fifth Annual Conference of Regional Councils, held in New Orleans in 1971, it was attended by more than 800, with one-third of the attendees being policy makers of regional councils.
Thus it is seen that the Metro operation throughout the country is proliferating at an alarming rate. And why not -- when the general public is unaware of the ulterior aims of the Metrocrats, and when regional councils are able to obtain ever-increasing funding!
REGIONAL REVIEW QUARTERLY of January 1971 reported that the typical budget of a regional council is between $100,000 and $200,000. Councils receive their funds from four sources: federal, State and local government -- and tax-free foundations.
On the average, regional councils (or councils of governments) receive 60 per cent of their funds from federal grants for functional planning (i.e., land use, transportation, housing, etc.) Local communities provide about 34 per cent of a council's funds, and about 15 State governments provide general-support funds to the COGs. About one per cent of funds channeled direct to the regional councils comes from tax-exempt foundations.
All in all, as of 1971, this adds up to a whopping $80 to $100 million a year -- for the purpose of destroying representative government in the United States.
[CDR NOTE: Given "Beware Metro" was written nearly30 years ago, can you imaging the cost today? Remember. Regionalism creates a new "layer" of government, which creates a new level of taxation…. WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.]
The lead editorial in the April 1971 issue of REGIONAL REVIEW QUARTERLY, WRITTEN BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE National Service to Regional Councils, Richard C. Hartman, states that the key question is whether regional councils "will evolve from the role of voluntary planning agencies to a more meaningful role of implementing their planning decisions."
To "implement" or carry out their "planning decisions" means, of course, that regional councils would assume the mantle of government. Inasmuch as no mention is made of running for public office where the approval or disapproval of the voters can be registered, such implementation of "planning decisions" can only mean rule by these unelected Metrocrats.
In an article in the aforementioned Metro publication, we find the following statement by Robert D. Farley, Executive Director, Denver Regional Council of Governments:
"Citizens and public officials ought to cry out now for new governmental institutions at a regional level, and not only study regional problems, but propose and carry out action programs for the implementation of solution to those problems…
"New tools and policy direction must be forthcoming from state government to the regional institutions for controlling and guiding growth and assisting the development of metropolitan areas...
"Regional councils must activate citizen participation at the regional level. Citizens of the region must be marshalled into a broad-based regional citizen constituency." [Like sheep to the slaughter - Emphasis ours]
The executive director of Denver's COGs also states that this "citizen constituency" should "identify the region as a single community", and should "look at new institutional devices which have the ability to implement solutions".
This blatant Metro power-grab advocated by a regional council official certainly deserves some comment.
Just what "new governmental institutions at a regional level" does this Metrocrat propose? He doesn't say, but it most certainly can be assumed that such new institutions, with governing powers, would be staffed by "1313" indoctrinated, unelected Metrocrats.
And just what is a "broad-based regional citizen constituency"?
The dictionary defines constituency as "A body of constituents, as the voters in a representative district." But how can regional councils possibly have a "regional citizen constituency" when the voters never have a chance to vote for these Metrocrats?
And, finally, the "new institutional devices which have the ability to implement solutions", urged by the Denver COGs' official, adds up to just one thing: A super-government, over all layers of existing government, but this one staffed and directed by Metrocrats -- beyond the reach of the voters to recall or impeach.
In discussing the reasons for the accelerated growth of regional councils, the REGIONAL REVIEW QUARTERLY of January 1971, in the article entitled "Regionalism: The Quiet Revolution", states that one of the primary reasons for the growth was "stimulation from the federal government in terms of the legislative and administrative requirements for federal aid".
The April 1971 of that Metro publication carried an excerpt from a speech made at the Fifth Annual Conference of Regional Councils in New Orleans by Samuel C. Jackson, Assistant Secretary for Metropolitan Planning and Development, U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. In that speech Jackson told the assembled Metrocrats:
"You now have amply demonstrated your value to the federal government. You now have an opportunity to demonstrate to state and local governments that your contribution is essential to good planning and effective implementation".
There's that word again: "implementation".
In another speech at this conference, David D. Dominick, Acting Commissioner, Water Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection agency, Washington, D.C., had this to say:
"An important and vital element of any successful regional approach, be it a council of governments, a river basin commission or interstate compact is the willingness of the individual community members to subordinate some of its own particular or special authority to its regional agency in achieving effective regional solutions.
"…it is the lack of such commitment to delegate adequate authority to the regional body by member communities that has been the Achilles heel of the council-of-governments movement."
And, it should be observed, it is this "lack" to "delegate adequate authority to the regional body", on the part of local communities, that has, so far, prevented a complete Metro take-over at the local level.
Thomas Bradley, president of the National Service to Regional Councils, in the previously-mentioned issue of the REGIONAL REVIEW QUARTERLY stated:
"The impact of revenue sharing and federal reorganization [see Chapter IV] on regional councils could be substantial and crucial to our survival."
Another conference speaker, Robert S. New house, Chairman Indian National Council of Governments, Tulsa, Oklahoma, expressed these views:
"What is needed in the long run, is the establishment of an agency at the federal executive level that not only would support general policy development needed for management at state, regional and local levels, but would also provide subsistence funding to regional units that qualify and in fact are bona fide 'umbrella-type' agencies under uniform federal criteria."
Newhouse then went on to state that "local regional entities" should serve a "key role" in the federal-state-local partnership.
Claiming that "experiences has demonstrated the problems cannot be resolved by state and local initiative", Newhouse urged that "the U.S. Office of Management and Budget be designated to provide the forum and process for resolving the problem."
To sum up: When President Nixon, on February 10, 1972, established ten Federal Regional Councils, whose authority will ultimately supersede that of the sovereign States, he was following the dictates of the "1313" syndicate.
But the machinery of regional government -- like any machinery, needs oil to keep the parts and the COGS (councils of [regional] government) moving.
And the "oil" is provided by the infusion of federal funds into the COGs -- federal funds provided by taxpayers' dollars -- the only source of money the federal government has.
The "oiler" is, of course, the federal Revenue Sharing Act -- possibly one of the biggest hoaxes ever foisted, not only on the individual taxpayer, but also on local and state officials throughout the nation.
The next chapter will document what 'revenue sharing' really means -- and how, tragically, local and State officials, in their greed for, seemingly something-for-nothing federal funds, are betraying their own integrity and the voters who put them into office.
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