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Thanks to all of you for the hundreds of thousands of calls, e-mails and faxes  that finally forced the controlled media to do some honest reporting!  Terri will reap the harvest of the seeds you have sown, and your love will return to you ten-fold.

God bless you, one and all, and thank our Heavenly Father for MIRACLES!  ;-)  -- Jackie --

Monday, October 27th, 2003 8:40 AM

First the WND article, then a transcript of the interview with Dr. Baden and Greta Van Susteren follows.



Questions raised about Terri's collapse

Celebrated forensic pathologist says 1990 injuries should be investigated

Posted: October 26, 2003 5:45 p.m. Eastern


A world-renowned forensic pathologist with over 40 years experience as a medical examiner is challenging the official version of early events in the Terri-Schindler Schiavo case, providing the parents of the brain-disabled woman with powerful ammunition in their battle to save their daughter's life from her court-ordered starvation death.

Interviewed on the Fox News Channel, Dr. Michael Baden, co-director of the Investigative Unit of New York State Police in Albany and former chief medical examiner for New York City, ruled out potassium imbalance and a heart attack as factors in Terri's mysterious collapse 13 years ago – which left her severely incapacitated and unable to speak – and pointed to head trauma and bone injuries as a more likely cause.

Baden explained to host Greta van Susteren it was unlikely for a woman of Terri's age at the time to have a potassium imbalance, unless she had certain types of diseases, which she didn't have.

"Too little potassium can cause the heart to stop beating properly and lead to lack of blood flow to the brain and death of brain cells by lack of oxygen, but that's very unusual, Greta, extremely unusual," he said.

That Terri's heart was healthy would rule out the likelihood of cardiac arrest, he said.

"The reason she's in the state she's in is because there was a period of time, maybe five minutes or eight minutes, when not enough oxygen was going to her brain," said Baden. "That can happen because the heart stops for 5 or 8 minutes, but she had a healthy heart, from what we can see."

Baden said he studied a bone scan made in March 1991 at a hospital that describes her as having a head injury.

"A head injury can cause, can lead to the vegetative state that Ms. Schiavo is in now," he continued, adding it showed evidence of other injuries, including bone fractures.

Something totally different

Van Susteren asked if he were suggesting a potassium imbalance caused a fall that led to a head injury, or perhaps some "pre-existing head injury [led] to her passing out."

"Something totally different," he answered. Because cardiac arrests triggered by low potassium are so rare, "the other issue is: could it have been due to some other cause, which is raised by the family. [That] has to be looked at."

Baden said the injuries suggested some kind of trauma: "The trauma can be from an auto accident; the trauma can be from some kind of beating that she obtained from somebody somewhere. It's something that should have been investigated in 1991 when those findings were fresh," adding, "Maybe they were. Maybe they were investigated by the police at that time."

The Fox News interview with Michael Baden and information on Terri's fight for life is posted on the family's website.  [end article]



Click HERE to see a transcript of the bone scan reading.

“On the Record” with Greta van Susteren

Interview with Dr. Michael Baden, a Forensic Pathologist from NY


Greta: Dr. Baden, a potassium imbalance, let’s first talk about if you have a potassium deficiency, can that cause the condition that Terri Schiavo has?

Baden: Um, can, but unlikely. Potassium is very interesting. It’s probably the most lethal poison we have when it’s injected rapidly, and that’s why it’s the poison that kills people, capital punishment by lethal injection. And it stops the heart from beating properly — too much of it. But also too little of it., hypo-potassium, can also cause the heart to stop beating properly and lead to lack of blood flow to the brain and death of brain cells by lack of oxygen. But that’s very unusual, Greta, extremely unusual.

Greta: A normal healthy woman, I assume, would have no reason, for instance, to take potassium supplements unless, perhaps, she’s on a diuretic or some other medication that would cause a potassium depletion. Is that right?

Baden: That’s correct. That’s right.

Greta: Is there any explanation then in your mind, and I realize you were not her team physician, but why would a woman at her age have a potassium imbalance?

Baden: Extremely unusual unless she had certain kinds of diseases, which she doesn’t have. She was in her twenties. The reason that she’s in the state she’s in is because there was a period of time, maybe 5 minutes or 8 minutes, when not enough oxygen was going to her brain. That can happen because the heart stops for 5 or 8 minutes, but she had a healthy heart, from what we can see. The other thing, though. . . I’m sorry Greta?

Greta: No, go ahead.

Baden: Yeah, your staff has provided me with a bone scan that you guys obtained ah from her initial admission in 1991 to the hospital. And that bone scan describes her as having a head injury. That’s why she’s there, that’s why she’s getting a bone scan. And a head injury can cause, lead to the vegetative state that Ms. Schiavo is in now, and it does show evidence that there are other injuries, other bone fractures, that on healing-stage, so that....

Greta: So, let me back up a second. Head injury. Could she have had, could she have passed out from a potassium imbalance causing a falling head injury? Is that what you’re talking about, or are you suggesting some pre-existing head injury to her passing out?

Baden: Something totally different. That it’s extremely rare for a 20-year-old to have a cardiac arrest from low potassium who has no other diseases. So the other issue is could it have been due to some other cause, which is raised by the family, has to be looked at.

Greta: Alright, other injuries and bone injuries, what does that suggest to you?

Baden: Some kind of trauma. The trauma can be from an auto accident, the trauma can be from a fall, or the trauma can be from some kind of beating that she obtained from somebody somewhere. It’s something that should have been investigated in 1991 when these findings were found, and….

Greta: They were fresh.

Baden: Maybe there were, Maybe they were investigated by police at that time.

Greta: Alright. Dr. Michael Baden, thank you.

Baden: Thank you, Greta.

[end transcript]


Now for some fun -- and it's about time, isn't it? Here's an e-mail we forwarded to our list on Saturday, the 25th. What's fun is reading the hooting and whistling and shouting from the person who posted it. His/her excitement is contagious. They had just seen Dr. Baden on Fox News.

----- Original Message -----

From: Jackie Patru

To:  >snipped<

Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 3:56 PM

Subject: Michael Schiavo LOOK OUT NOW!!!!!

I just got this in. Have NOT confirmed, and it looks real to me. Anyone else see it? Doesn't mean we should let up, sit back and sighhhh! (I'd like to).

The big guns will be in court next week with Schiavo's liars. . . I mean lawyers, including ACLU and possibly the AARP and others.

Schiavo's scheduled to be on Larry King Live Monday night - 9:00 PM eastern. I hope you'll tape it and watch it after the Sweet Liberty broadcast ;-) Or watch it and listen and report to us while we're on air what lies he's telling. God bless you all for your calls, e-mails and faxes on her behalf.

It's been reported the governor has received over 165,000 e-mails. If we all did it one more time, plus ask ten more to do it . . . WOW! - Jackie


GREAT NEWS: Michael Schiavo LOOK OUT NOW!!!!

Sat Oct 25 06:19:21 2003

PLEASE Circulate this ASAP!!!

Okay now the pressure IS ON!!!

Michael Schiavo LOOK OUT NOW!!!!

World known Expert and Famed Forensic Pathologist Michael Baden Just now appeared on FOX National News and stated that he received the Medical records of Terri Schiavo and viewed them AND ... her injuries are not consistent with anything like they are stating happened to her! His words exactly were "This should have been INVESTIGATED!" YES!!!!!!!!!!!

He said A LOT more then this, all real good, but I was yelling too loud to hear him... he basically said she WAS HURT BY SOMEONE. . . that's the English version. YES!!!! Poor thing. :(

This man is GREAT, I have seen him solve crimes that were UNBELIEVABLE...Now we need to email him and tell him to keep going PUBLIC PLEASE and SAVE HER Life and also Circulate this news... It needs to get back to Michael, so he KNOWS the world will watch him HANG for this!!!!! YES!!!!!! YES!!!


Now you all can cheer, this news is GREAT NEWS for us, we need to get it out!!! Anyone who find a phone number on him, FAX, email or whatever email me ASAP...PLEASE and THANK YOU! YES!!!!

Read this if you don't know of him, I have watched him for years! He's the BEST! Famed Forensic Pathologist Michael Baden and Former FBI Agent Candice DeLong Headline Forensic Focus 2003




Famed Forensic Pathologist Michael Baden and Former FBI Agent Candice DeLong Headline Forensic Focus 2003

Posted on: 05/29/2003

PHOENIX -- May 30, 2003 -- The celebrities of the forensic community will headline Forensic Focus 2003, a multi-disciplinary medico-legal forum for nurses, medical examiners, technologists, investigators and other forensic practitioners. The conference will be held June 17-20, 2003 at the Millennium Resort in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Michael Baden, MD, a familiar face on cable news networks, has conducted more than 20,000 autopsies in his career spanning more than four decades.

Baden frequently serves as investigator and expert witness in high-profile forensic cases. Past cases have included the murders of Chandra Levy, JonBenet Ramsey, Nicole Brown Simpson and Sunny von Bulow.

Baden has served on the Congressional Select Committee on Assassinations, which conducted a reopened investigation of the John F. Kennedy killing. He was New York City medical examiner from 1960 to 1985 and currently serves as co-director of the Medicolegal Investigative Unit of the New York State Police.

Baden is also the author of "Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner" (1989) and "Dead Reckoning: The New Science of Catching Killers" (2001), and host of the HBO series "Autopsy."  [end bio]