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Radio Guests

This is a non-comprehensive list of guests who have appeared on the program.  Since sometimes guests appear on the broadcast that may not support our cause, this entire list cannot necessarily be endorsed by us.  Guests are indexed in alphabetical order, beginning with the first letter of their last names. Information on some guests may be outdated, as it is impossible to keep up with everyone.


The guest index was last updated Thursday, 06-Apr-2017 01:08:08 EDT.


[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N]
[O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]


Stephen Ames, Jr.
Profile: Law, history researcher
No contact info available



Ingri Cassel
Profile: President of Vaccination Liberation, an association of grassroots organizations, whose purpose is to expose the dangers of vaccinations, and to work for the preservation of individual freedom to abstain. Ingri also publishes the Idaho Observer, a publication dedicated to important issues that vital to preserving liberty.

Website: www.vaclib.org
Website: www.idaho-observer.com

Michael Coffman
Profile: President/CEO, Environmental Perspectives, Inc. Publisher of newsletter, Discerning the Times (call 800-799-9878 for newsletter subscription ordering). This guest is not endorsed by Sweet Liberty or Jackie Patru. While the information disseminated by Coffman is clearly well-documented, the "solution" given is always "Contact your U.S. Congressman / Senator." Coffman is associated with many CNP members. While he agreed with Patru on the Sweet Liberty broadcast that most of what is happening could be stopped at a state level, his material does not reflect the acknowledgement.
Address: 1229 Broadway, Suite 313 / Bangor, Maine 04401
Phone: [207] 945-9878
Website: www.sovereignty.net

Jim Condit
Profile: Founder, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, the nation's foremost and oldest organization attempting to restore fair and honest elections to the United States of America. Before 1996, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count went by the name Cincinnatus Political Action Committee. In 1996, the new name was adopted to make immediately clear what the organization was about.

In 2002, Jim Condit Jr. successfully broke through the media censorship, by using his campaign for United States Senate to run radio ads on two major radio stations in Ohio. The ads are protected by law against media censorship.

As a result of his efforts, suppressed information about Israel's role in the War on Terror, as well as other vital issues, was broadcast in the form of 1 minute radio ads, despite the radio stations' repeated attempts at stopping it.

Jim hopes to use the 2002 campaign as a springboard for a nation-wide effort in 2004, to break media censorship by running campaign ads in all 50 states.

Website: www.realnews247.com
Website: www.votefraud.org


Norm Davis
Profile: Founder of Take Back Kentucky Coalition. Offers info on how to magnify your voice in the state legislatures by forming networking groups.
Address: P.O. Box 313 / Clarkson, Kentucky 42726
Phone: [270] 242-6497
Website: www.takebackkentucky.org
E-Mail: ndavis@kvnet.org

Clae Douglas
Profile: Publisher, The Free American News Magazine and patriot broadcaster
Website: www.freeamerican.com

Donn De Grand Pre'
Profile: Author of the book Barbarians Inside The Gates: The Black Book of Bolshevism.  Donn is retired military. Served in WWII and the Korean "police action". Stated reason for the book: to sound the alarm, U.S. military is being downsized, downgraded, degraded and demoralized. Barbarians/Bolshivists in charge hold the highest ranks of military office. While we find his suggested remedy frightening, he makes a case. Highly recommended reading for its documented historical facts that fill in many blanks; i.e. Swedish Jew, D. D. Eisenhower's rise to power, responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Germans post WWII; Holocaust hoax planned in 1919; history of Israel's creation/ creators; ongoing media blitz foments animosity toward Arabs.. the real Semites. Published in 2000, Barbarians brings us to present day.
Address: Grand Pre' Books, Inc., PO Box 1124 / Madison, Virginia  22727
1-800-603-3575 (For Visa and Mastercard orders only!)


Fred Ehrlich
Profile: Has tape ministry with over 1,000 titles.
Address: 14 North Shaffer Drive / New Freedom, Pennsylvania  17349
Phone:  717-235-0893
Related Webpage: www.sweetliberty.org/resources/suppressedvids.htm




T. David Horton
Profile: Constitutional Attorney.  Shared his opinions on the Election 2000 chaos.
Phone: [775] 883-1966

Tito Howard
Profile: Producer of video tape on the attack of the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967. The video tape can be ordered for $25 per single copy, or $15 each if 5 or more are ordered. The address from which to order the tapes is below.
Address: Howard Films / 2 Main Street / Front Royal, Virginia  22630


Rick Impallaria
Profile: Chairman, Citizens for Property Rights, Baltimore County, Maryland. Rick owns a business in the area which the government is trying to take by eminent domain — privately owned property, homes and businesses — to sell to a developer.
Contact: Janice Hunt at [410] 828-8247 to assist with the above issue
Website: www.emrcia.org
Appearance: 8/21/00

Dr. Cass Ingram
Profile: Author of several books on natural health solutions, and founder of North American Herb and Spice. Dr. Ingram speaks on utilizing wild herbs to heal body, and preserve your health naturally.
Note: This guest is NOT ENDORSED by Sweet Liberty and Jackie Patru. After agreeing to be a sponsor of the Sweet Liberty shortwave broadcast, Mr. Ingram and his company, North American Herb and Spice received $2,900 free advertising because he refused to pay for it. Jackie's husband (and source of income) had just passed away, and the loss of this revenue was a major blow to the broadcast. To this day, after numerous attempts at contacting Mr. Ingram, he has made NO EFFORT to settle this rightful debt.

Phone: 1-800-243-5242 or [847] 473-4700
Appearances: 1/7/03, 1/22/03


Steven JacobsonSteven Jacobson
 Producer of Wake Up America, and Mind Control in America documentaries. Highly recommended. See Resources for ordering information.
Address:  P.O. Box 15734, Winston-Salem, NC  27113
E-Mail:  mciamedia@yahoo.com
Phone:  [336] 723-6535
Appearance: Frequent appearances

Jackie Jura
Independent researcher, publisher of the internet site, Orwell Today, which compares the current events of today with that of the book, 1984 by George Orwell.
Website: www.orwelltoday.com
Appearances: 2/13/03, 3/6/03


Peter Kawaja
 Founder, Desert Storm War Crimes Commission
Subject:  Hate crimes, and anti-semitism; The history of the Talmudic Judeo Christian ReLegions.
Website:  www.dswcc.com
Appearances:  3/6/00, 3/7/00, 3/8/00, 3/9/00, 3/15/00, 3/16/00, 3/22/00, 3/23/00, 3/29/00, 3/30/00

Greg Kay
 Chairman, Southern Party of West Virginia
Address:  Rt 1  Box 30 / Lewisburg, WVA  24901
Website:  www.spwva.prohosting.com
E-Mail:  gregk@zoomnet.net
Phone:  [304] 895-3285



Al Martin
Profile: Government insider who reveals the shocking secrets of Iran-Contra. Who is the real Oliver North - longtime member of the Council for National Policy? (See our Wolves in Sheep's Clothing section; check out the bio's on the alleged conservative and Christian-conservative leaders who rub elbows with known criminals and traitors to their country.) "When Iran Contra finally fell apart, they had ended up using 5,000 operatives and making $350 billion." Al Martin tells the facts that mainstream media has ignored or covered-up for over 15 years; naming names, dates and events never published before in his uncensored manuscript titled, "The Conspirators" - includes 337 pages of Al Martin raw and uncensored. Available now at his website.
Website: www.almartinraw.com
Appearances: 11/1/00, 11/2/00

Steve Martin
Former history teacher turned writer and researcher. Has done extensive research on the September 11 attacks. Has documented his findings, and has produced a video that he makes available. Suggested donation $13.
Address: HCR 61, Box 2 / Amity, Maine 04471
Phone: [207] 532-3635

Jim McCanney, M.S.
Scientist, researcher, and author of the book Planet X and Earth Changes.
Website: www.jmccanneyscience.com
P.O. Box 58 / Navarre, MN  55392
Appearances: 03/12/03, other dates

Patrick Michaels
Profile: Professor, Anti-Global Warming Project
Website: www.sitewave.net/pproject/
Appearances: 11/18/97

Roger Mundy
Profile: Founder, Kansas Tenth Amendment Society
Phone: 316-742-9907
Website: www.ktas.org
Appearances:  Frequent

Virginia Meves
Profile: A wife, mother, grandmother, aunt... with all that implies, has been publishing the weekly Wisconsin Report for 26 years, from her dining room table. $25 per year. Back issues — by the year (50 weekly issues) — which contain photostats of historical documents, $30 + postage. The W.R. shows how United Nations' mandates are being implemented on state and local levels. Highly recommended.
Address: P.O. Box 45, Brookfield, Wisconsin 53008
Phone: [262] 782-4832 (if no answer) [262] 784-4210




Clara Pilchak
Address: 5422 Cade Road, Capac, Michigan  48014



Ralph Rene
Profile: Author of WTC Lies and Fairytales and Nasa Mooned America. When you read Nasa Mooned America, you will know that we never really went to the moon. Each book is available for $26 from the address below.
Address: 31 Burgess Place · Passaic · NJ · 07055
Website: www.rene-r.com
Appearances: 2/10/03, 2/11/03

Joyce Riley
Profile: RN, BSN.  Gulf War Syndrome spokesperson
Address: 3506 Highway 6 South, #117, Sugarland, Texas 77478-4401
E-Mail: gulfwar@flash.net
Phone: 1-800-231-7631
Fax: [281] 438-4581
Website: www.gulfwarvets.com
Appearance: 12/20/99 — Joyce demanded "air time" after Jackie discussed the video tape "The Real Joyce Riley according to Peter Kawaja." Joyce threatened to put Jackie in her Hall of Shame because of questions Jackie was asking that she believes are valid questions to the person appearing to be the "champion" of the sick and dying Gulf War Veterans. See more in Wolves In Sheep's Clothing section soon to be posted.

Gary Robinson
Address:  2823 Truman Drive, Hatfield, Pennsylvania  19440
 [215] 362-1887

Russ Rosser
Subject:  The invalid status of the 14th Amendment
Appearances:  1/31/00, 2/1/00


Hans Schmidt
Profile: Author of a book containing his memoirs in which he recounts his experiences as a German soldier during WWII, under Hitler. His book is available for $34 plus $4 S&H Ask for the "S.S." book when you write the address below. Also available by this author is End Times, End Game for $25.
Address: P.O. Box 11124, Pensacola, Florida 32524
Appearances: 5/6/02, 5/7/02


Dean Tong
Note: Though this guest offers consultation and advice as a service to both clients and their lawyers, he is not an attorney and therefore is not licensed to offer legal advice or services.

Profile: Having been falsely accused of child abuse, Tong assists people who also find themselves in this situation by offering advice and consultation. He has been utilized and is available to serve as an expert witness. Tong has written many books including Don't Blame Me, Daddy, and Ashes to Ashes Families to Dust and Elusive Innocence. For ordering info, visit his web site.
Phone: [813] 885-6173
E-Mail: DeanTong (at) aol (dot) com
Website: www.abuse-excuse.com
Appearance: 6/3/02



Joan Veon
Profile: International Women's Group. Offers books Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince ($14), and United Nations Global Straightjacket ($23.50). Publishes a monthly newsletter on the workings of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, etc.
Address: P.O. Box 77, Middletown, Maryland 21769
Phone: [301] 432-7512
Website: www.womensgroup.org
Appearances: 8/16/00, 8/17/00

Paul Von Ward
Email: paul (at) vonward dot com
Address: P.O. Box 1776
Dahlonega, GA 30533
Website: www.vonward.com
See Paul's Books & Schedule at:


Alan Watt
Profile: Since December 1998, Alan has been a frequent guest on Sweet Liberty, sharing historical information based on the plan to control the lives, minds, and the very souls of all people on earth. Discusses those who have remained behind the scenes ? behind the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Club of Rome, etc. The Creative Minority behind the Dominant Minority. Offers three books which confirm some of Alan's own writings and findings. Cutting Through Volume 1 , 2, and 3 ($25 each includes S & H). Please send either International Postal Money Orders (Available at your post office), or FRN's. Alan cannot cash a personal check, and a U.S. postal money order cannot be cashed in Canada.

Address: Alan Watt / Address: Site 41, Box 4, Estaire, Ontario, Canada P3E 4N1
Appearances: Frequent
Website: www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com

Stu Webb
Profile: Whistleblower. Stu has exposed the corruption and corrupters in and out of government since the early 1990s; from the Denver International Airport, to the HUD scandal; including Savings and Load swindles involving top level officers of government, including George Bush and boys.
Phone: [702] 438-8855
Appearance: 10/31/00



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