The Bush - Gore Electoral College Map
From USA Today, a County-by-County map of the United States showing
who won what state. Gore is in Blue, Bush is
in Red.
Click to Enlarge
Now, what is this talk about a popular vote?
Facts from the map:
Counties Won
Gore |
677 |
Bush |
2,434 |
Square Miles Won
Gore |
580,134 |
Bush |
2,427,039 |
Population of Counties Won
Gore |
127,000,000 (127
million) |
Bush |
143,000,000 (143
million) |
And what was the only state that did not have one single county vote
for Al Gore? Hint. It was the only state that Bill Clinton never visited
during his presidency.
If we were to move to a popular vote in this country those counties
up there in blue would be the counties that our politicians would concentrate
on. Nebraska would, for all intents and purposes, cease to be a part of this
country insofar as presidential politics is concerned. After all, there's
a reason Bill Clinton never went to Nebraska while making dozens of trips
to California.
Also, think about this! My bet is if you took those blue counties and
compared them to the red counties in terms of federal government spending,
you would find out that much more federal money is spent in those blue counties
than those red companies. Also, look for concentration of government workers.
Again, you'll find them in the blue counties.
You want a popular vote for the presidency? I'll assume you don't live
in one of those red counties.
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