The Greatest Hoax

     When you read the following article, and the article from Time on March 16, 1942 titled American Malvern you will see clearly how the churches have been brought under the influence of the political program for World Dominion.  

     Wrapped in the cloak of 'religion' both Christians and Jews have not only been suckered into believing that the plan is 'Divine Will'... they have prayed fervently for its coming.  An International Priesthood devised the plan 3,000 (or more) years ago and have engaged many players to aide in its fulfillment. Religion has always been its most powerful tool, and we - the religious masses - have aided and abetted their plan of destruction. In this age it is the Jews and Christians who have been chosen to bring the plan to its culmination.  

See also The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the 1952 speech by Rabbi Rabbinovich .  -- Jackie --


Time Magazine - January 20, 1941


     Church of England liberals moved boldly last week to seize, for the Church, leadership in "ordering the new society" which they found "quite evidently emerging" from the war.      

     To that end they stole a march on the Government with a program of post-war aims which, coming from any group, would be startling.  Coming from the traditionally complacent and conservative Established church it was little short of revolutionary.  It called for unification of Europe in a cooperative commonwealth; communal ownership of the means of production; more religion and less liturgy (ritual of worship).  On the negative side it condemned the profit motive and the Church's own financial dependence on ancient perquisites and levies.  

     Virtually unanimous sponsors of this program are the Archbishop of York, 23 of the Church's 98 bishops (including top-ranking London and Durham), 14 deans and a total of some 200 other churchmen.  All of them seemingly remembered that the great ages of Christianity have come when the Church took the lead in historic movements, which were as much economic and social as religious, like the Crusades and the Reformation.  

     All of them were determined that the Church should assume just such a leadership in post-war reconstruction.  And all of them were determined that that leadership should come from the liberal rather than the Conservative wing.  

     With greatcoats wrapped around them, they gathered day after day in the paralyzing cold of unheated Malvern College to hear speaker after speaker denounce present-day failure to identify Christianity with any great cause except "nosing out fornication".  And then without a single dissenting voice they adopted a resolution presented by the Archbishop himself.  Chief plans:  

     To this unanimous resolution the conference added "by a very large majority" a still more sweeping amendment proposed by Liberal M.P. Sir Richard Thomas Acland, which stirred up the only major controversy in the four-day conference.  This amendment asserted that "the ownership of the great resources of our community. . . [by] private individuals is a stumbling block. . .  The time has come, therefore, for Christians to proclaim the need for seeking some form of society in which this stumbling block will be removed". [World Marxism/Socialism jp]

     Hardly less revolutionary than the church's program for society was its program for reforming itself:  

["Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry." Cornwallis to G. Washington - see Union Jack - Epilogue for full quote - jp]

     A far cry is all this from the class consciousness of the church of England (and U.S. Episcopal) Catechism:  "My duty is . . . To order myself lowly and reverently to all my betters . . . And to do my duty in that state of life unto which it shall please God to call me". [Sounds like the Brahmin caste system jp]  

     But World War II has merely speeded the shift from the oldtime hunting-parson philosophy.  Forerunners of the change were the Bishop of Ely's effort in 1929 to turn his place into an old folk's home ("we keep too many gardners to grow too many vegetables to feed too many servants to make too many beds"); the 1937 move by a group of bishops and clergy to give up the mining royalties of the poverty-striken northeast of England which went to the Church, because otherwise it "cannot hope to evangelize successfully a body of men (miners) who are strongly prejudiced against the sources of its supply".  

     If the Malvern resolutions were revolutionary, the speeches which spurred the conference to their acceptance were no less so.  Seldom has the Church called sinners to repentance with such bitter jeremiads (tale of lamentations or anger) as those by which ten lay speakers called the Church itself to repentance.

Gloomed Critic-Philosopher John Middleton Murry:  "The church has no relevant pattern of goodness to set before contemporary man. . . Regarding unemployment has the Church done any other than acquiesce in the appalling solution which is the only one secular society has found, namely, preparation for war? . . . The Church fails in leadership because it shows no signs of having known despair; no evidence of having been terrified by its own impotence".  

     Poet Thomas Sterns Eliot attacked the Church in wasteland accents for letting Christian principle vanish from education.  

     Sir Richard Acland was fiercer:  "For over 150 years you have neglected your duty . . . because of sheer funk . . . The whole structure of society is, from the Christian point of view, rotten and must permanently frustrate your efforts to create for the individual the possibility of a Christian life . . . This has given Hitler the opportunity for saying "To hell with the whole order'. . . He said this, and from despairing humanity he wrung forth a tremendous and dynamic response. . . In order to save humanity from the horror of . . . Naziism, we must find a way of living superior, not merely to Naziism, but to that which we ourselves knew before. . . We are unprepared for this . . . You must be prepared to offend people who are determined to preserve the existing order . . . I beg of you now to proclaim the new society openly . . . So only will you save yourselves and us".
Novelist Dorothy Leigh Sayers ("Lord Peter Wimsey") was even more vitriolic.  "Suppose", said she, "that during the last century the churches had . . . denounced cheating with a quarter of the vehemence with which they denounced legalized adultery (i.e., divorce and remarriage). But one was easy and the other was not . . . To upset legalized cheating, the church must tackle the Government in its very stronghold; while to cope with intellectual corruption she will have to affront all those who exploit it -- the politician, the press, and the more influential part of her own congregation.  Therefore, she will acquiesce in a definition of morality so one-sided that it has deformed the very meaning of the word to sexual offences.  And yet, if every man living were to sleep in his neighbor's bed, it could not bring the world so near shipwreck as that pride, that avarice and that intellectual sloth which the church has forgotten to write in the tale of its capital sins".  

     No small part of the significance of the conference was that its convener and chairman was the church of England's second ranking prelate and its real intellectual and spiritual leader -- stout, brisk, erudite, 59-year-old, Dr. william Temple.  Archbishop of York, Son of an Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Temple was an Oxford don of philosophy at 23, a headmaster at 29, a bishop at 39, an archbishop at 47.  A famed theologian and an ardent exponent of the ecumenical (inter-church) movement, he is likely to be first president of the still-organizing World Council of Churches.  Said he at the conference:

"The war is not to be regarded as an isolated evil detached from the general condition of western civilization . . . It is one symptom of widespread disease and maladjustment, resulting from the loss of conviction concerning the reality and character of God . . . [We need] a new order of society -- a new integration of religion, morals, politics and economics . . . It is the business of Lambeth [the palace of the Archbishop of Canterbury] to remind Westminster [the houses of Parliament] of its responsibility to God".

     Conspicuously absent from the Malvern Conference was the suave, sail-trimming Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend and Right Honorable Cosmo Gorgon Lang, evicter of Edward VIII, now 76 years old, whom William Temple may eventually succeed as Primate of all England.   [End of article]  


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