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Grand Lodge Ancient Free And Accepted Masons Of Nebraska  - Monday, December 12, 2005
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Interested in sposoring a Masonic CHIP Event?

Below are the documents needed to help you "make if happen!"

CHIP - Event Application Form
CHIP - Manual
CHIP - Staffing List
CHIP - Brochure
CHIP - Donation Form
CHIP - Sample Flyer
CHIP - Sample News Calendar Item
CHIP - Sample News Release
CHIP - Sample PSA

All files are available for download and are compressed using the "zip" format. 

What is CHIP?

The CHild Identification Program (CHIP) addresses the alarming fact that over 1,000,000 children are reported missing in the United States each year. In Nebraska, over 5,000 children were reported missing in the year 2000.* While most are found, many are not. Also, the abduction of children is both under-reported and rapidly increasing in our society.

The CHIP Kit includes the following:

Videotape: A brief videotape interview is worth a thousand still photos. The CHIP interview captures the appearance, speech,
mannerisms, and other important personal characteristics of a child. It can be quickly distributed via the media to reach a huge audience. It is the cornerstone of CHIP.

Fingerprinting: Fingerprinting is a well-known means of identification. Everyone’s prints are unique. Resourceful parents
keep fingerprints available should the need arise.

Toothprints® bite impression is quick and easy. Teeth, like fingerprints, are unique. Even in a child who is losing and gaining teeth, a dental imprint gives both accurate and important information for identification purposes. Saliva on the Toothprint® also serves as a DNA sample for at least 3 years, but more importantly, serves as a scent tracer for recovery bloodhound dogs that can easily track saliva scent.

DNA Cheek Swab: The cheek swab provides DNA material for both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA matching for more than 20 years when properly frozen in a home freezer.

Digital Still Photograph: A digital still photo is printed for use in The Amber Alert System or, if needed, by other proper authorities. Only the parent or guardian receives the print. No photos or files are retained by the Freemasons or other sponsoring organizations.

The Masonic CHIP Kit is the most comprehensive service of its kind anywhere. CHIP is provided at no charge to the public and all of the identifying items generated during CHIP are given to the child’s family.

For more information about CHIP, contact:


P.O. Box 81852
Lincoln, NE 68501-1852

TELEPHONE: 800-558-8029






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