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Michael Walsh



"We have grown accustomed to hear it insinuated that all the adventures and anxieties and austerities of the past half century carried our country on until, in 1940, it came to 'its finest hour'; and that may be, provided it is stressed that what is meant is, not the finest hour of the politicians who, if the truth be told, have shown grievous ineptitude, bringing Britain to the very edge of catastrophe by their imbecility's, but the finest hour of the fighting men." -- Algernon Cecil, Queen Victoria and her Prime Ministers, p.338


Even today, Germany is described in terms of her being a European pit bull terrier; never happy unless spoiling for war with her neighbours, bent on world domination. Hence the justification to curb its power. This is all pretty rich coming from Britain, which whatever the merits or otherwise, created by force of arms a world empire 'upon which the sun never set.'


A Study of War by Prof. Quincy Wright, shows that in the period from 1480 to 1940 there were 278 wars involving European countries, whose percentage participation was as follows:


FRANCE: 26 %

SPAIN: 23 %

RUSSIA: 22 %


TURKEY: 15 %

POLAND: 11 %


ITALY: 9 %





Likewise, Pitirim Sorokin, Vol. III, Part. II, Social and Cultural Dynamics, shows that from the 12th Century to 1925 the percentage of years in which leading European powers have been at war is as follows. (p.352).


SPAIN: 67 %

POLAND: 58 %


FRANCE: 50 %

RUSSIA: 46 %


ITALY: 36 %


Sorokin concludes therefore,

"that Germany has had the smallest and Spain the largest percent of years at war."

Of leading modern European states, England, France and Russia show clearly twice the aggressive tendencies of Germany.

From the years 1815 to 1907 the record stands as follows:

Britain: 10 wars

Russia: 7 wars

France: 5 wars

Austria: 3 wars

Prussia-Germany: 3 wars

As so often, the lie is the direct opposite to the truth. On the other hand, Britain has a reputation for seeking world domination and the elimination of trade competition.


"The war was not just a matter of the elimination of Fascism in Germany, but rather of obtaining German sales markets." -- Winston Churchill, Fulton, March, 1946
"You must understand clearly that this is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but rather against the power of the German nation, which it is desired to destroy forever, whether it lies in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest." -- English explanation to a German political opponent of Hitler


"The European war which Britain unleashed on 3rd September, 1939 is, considered in its proper relation to world history during the last hundred years, a tremendous undertaking the object of which is to save in the eyes of the world British glory, British prestige and the British creed.

"The British Empire represents a political structure which, like no other hitherto known, has been built up on propaganda; propaganda which conceals the troublesome and often painful voice of history and facts. No country in the world has achieved such perfection in this way as Britain.

"There, even truth has become the servant of propaganda." -- The Legacy and Strategy of the British War Propaganda, Wilhelm von Axies, Berlin, 1941


"From his youth up Mr. Churchill has loved with all his heart, with all his mind, with all his soul, and with all his strength, three things; war, politics and himself. He loved war for its dangers, he loves politics for the same reason, and himself he has always loved for the knowledge that his mind is dangerous -- dangerous to his enemies, dangerous to his friends, dangerous to himself.

"I can think of no man I ever met who would so quickly and so bitterly eat his heart out in Paradise." -- F.S Oliver, English Publicist

"Despite all the beautiful words, we have infinitely less justification for this war than the previous one. This time we and France set out to stiffen the back of Poland in its resistance to Germany's demands, certainly not out of any love for Poland, but rather in an attempt to check the increasing power of Germany. In this way, we, together with France, wanted to maintain ascendancy on the continent." -- The Spectator, January 22nd, 1940
"The German people, together with the so-called dictatorships and totalitarian countries, of course, form the great obstacle to Britain in her victorious career towards world domination. As the methods of peaceful propaganda which the British Government previously employed did not prove sufficient for the refutation of the thesis of German intellectual equality of rights, Britain resorted to war. As the Great War had failed to realise Britain's ambition, the German nation was now to be utterly destroyed." -- Sidney Rogerson, The Next War
"Britain was taking advantage of the situation to go to war against Germany because the Reich had become too strong and had upset the European balance. To correct the fundamental trouble, from Britain's point of view, Germany, after her defeat, must be weakened as a protective measure. No morality enters into the matter, only consideration of power politics and British survival." -- Ralph Franklin Keeling
"The English would never have contrived World War Two if they had not been sure of Roosevelt's help. . . what is the net result? First, the Asiatic barbarians, held at bay since 1683, have been let loose in Western Europe. . ." -- H.L. Mencken, Life Magazine, August 5th, 1946, p.46
"This (the American declaration of war) is what I dreamed of, aimed at and worked for and now it has come to pass." -- Winston Churchill, 15th February, 1942
"England is fighting to preserve the balance of power for this reason and no other. . . in the general assumption, that Germany began this war in order to rule the world is, in our opinion false. Germany wanted to be a world power, but world power is not the same as world domination." -- The Nineteenth Century, London, September, 1939
"We never thought of making a separate peace even in the years when we were all alone and could easily have made one without serious loss to the British Empire and largely at your expense." -- Churchill letter to Joseph Stalin, 24th January, 1944
"Germany has become a dangerous competitor for the principle imperialistic powers of Europe, Great Britain and France. They therefore declared war on Germany and under the pretext of fulfilling their obligations to Poland.

"It is now clearer than ever how far the real aims of the governments of these powers are from the purpose of defending disintegrated Poland or Czechoslovakia. This is shown only by the fact that the governments of Great Britain and France have proclaimed that their aim in this war is to smash and dismember Germany, although this is still being concealed from the mass of the people under cover of slogans of defending 'democratic' countries and the rights of small nations." -- Soviet Foreign Commissar, Vyacheslav Molotov, 6th Session Supreme Soviet, 29th March, 1940

"We will of course be told tomorrow morning, that Hitler has attacked Poland. Certain people have been waiting and longing for this moment. They were expecting this attack, having been hankering and praying for it. These men are called Mandel, Churchill, Hore-Belisha and Paul Reynard.

"The great league of Jewish reaction was determined to have its own war. This was its holy war. They knew very well that only such an attack would give them a chance to capture public opinion.

"It will not be very difficult to find the necessary proofs in the German archives that certain gentlemen in cold blood prepared the conditions which made this attack inevitable. Woe betide them should the true history of the war ever be written." -- Prof. Maurice Bardeche, France

"One of the most priceless incidents in the course of the discussion took place when a black exchange student asked Prof. Jacobsen, in good German, how it was that Germany and not England could be chiefly responsible for the war, considering the fact that the German leaders were severely disappointed when Great Britain and France declared war, while the English leaders were delighted and in a good mood when they were able to carry out the British and French declarations of war against Germany.

"This is a classic example of the question which no one can answer who adheres to the thesis of the primary guilt of Germany." -- Prof. David L. Hoggan, The Artificial War

"During war, I realised the truth is so precious, it ought never to appear without a bodyguard of lies. . .

"Stalin and his collaborators took great pleasure in the quip after it was translated. The official meeting thus ended in a cheerful mode." -- Winston Churchill, The 2nd World War, V, Vol.2

"At that time I did not have any idea yet, what a great and undoubtedly helpful role the swindle plays in the existence of those great nations, which enjoy the status of democratic freedom." -- Winston Churchill, Weltabenteuer im Dienst, Leipzig, 1946, p.61
"The Primary and direct responsibility for the European war, which grew into the Second World War, was almost solely that of Great Britain and the British war group, made up of both Conservatives and Labourites.

"If Britain had not gratuitously given Poland a blank cheque, which was not needed in the slightest to assure British security, Poland surely might not have risked a war with Germany. Nevertheless, there would still have been no justification for British intervention in such a war or for the provocation of a European war." -- Harry Elmer Barnes, U.S. War Historian

". . . virtually no truth has been told in England on the Second World war since 1939. No public, even the British public, can stand too large a dose of truth all in one batch. A complete account of the origins of the Second World War could not have been accepted or digested all at one time. Even Professor Taylor's (A.J.P. Taylor) personal safety might have been placed in jeopardy." -- Harry Elmer Barnes, U.S. War Historian

Note: Harry Elmer Barnes is perhaps the most respected revisionist historian in the United States of America, of whom the noted and foremost British authority, George Peabody Gooch said;

"No other American scholar has done so much to familiarise his countrymen with the new evidence and to compel them to revise their wartime judgements in the light of this new material."
"If another war comes and the history of it is ever written, the dispassionate historian a hundred years hence, will not say that Germany alone was responsible for it, even if she strikes first, but that those who mismanaged the world between 1918 and 1937 had a large share of responsibility in it." -- Lord Lothian, British Ambassador to the U.S., March, 1938






"The First World War gave us Russia, while the Second World War will hand Europe to us." Vladimir I. Lenin
"The revival of revolutionary action on any scale sufficiently vast, will not be possible unless we succeed in utilising the existing disagreements between the capitalistic countries, so as to precipitate them against each other into armed conflict.

"The doctrine of Marx-Engels-Lenin teaches us that all war truly generalised should terminate automatically by revolution.

"The essential work of our Party comrades in foreign countries, consists, then, in facilitating the provocation of such a conflict. Those who do not comprehend this know nothing of revolutionary Marxism. I hope that you will remind the comrades, those of you who direct the work. The decisive hour will arrive." -- Joseph Stalin, Third International Comintern, Moscow, May, 1938

"We must prevent a criminal understanding between the Fascist aggressors and the British and French imperialist clique." -- Pravda, November 7th, 1938
". . . the former Soviet general, Alexi Markoff, who had a troop command on the Soviet western frontier in the spring of 1941, made public a statement in the American magazine, Saturday Evening Post, May 13th, 1950, according to which Stalin ordered 'war preparations against Germany' after the defeat of France in the summer of 1940, 'because Hitler won too quickly'.
"It is to be assumed that the final decision (for an eastern campaign) was first made after the quick success of the Balkan war, in connection with which Russia's hostile attitude towards Hitler was clearly evident.

"The decision for the assault on Russia was a very difficult one for Hitler. The warnings of his military advisers preoccupied him, the shadow of Napoleon, with whom he liked to hear himself compared lay over the mysterious depths of the country. On the other hand there was his strong and unfounded conviction that Russia was preparing for an attack on Germany. We know today on good grounds that he was right on this (blocked out by General Halder)." -- Former Chief of General Staff, Generaloberst Halder, 1949

"It was undoubtedly a genuine preventive war. That which we subsequently ascertained was, in any case, the proof of a colossal Russian military preparation against our borders. I will forego particulars; however I can say that the tactical surprise, with regard to the day and the hour, was successful, the strategical surprise was not. Russia was completely prepared for war." -- From the deposition of Colonel General Jodl
"There can be no doubt that he (Hitler) broadened the war in 1941 only on preventive grounds." -- A.J.P. Taylor, British War Historian
"On the 1st April, (1941) and no earlier, his decision was made to carry out the attack, and on April 1st he ordered it to be prepared for about the 22nd June. The order of attack itself, therefore the real release of the campaign, was dictated for the first time on the 17th June, which rests firmly on documentation." -- From the deposition of Colonel General Jodl
"The captive Soviet General Vlassow declared, during his interrogation, that the Russian attack (on Germany) was prepared for August/September, 1941." -- (From: H.G. Seraphim, 'Die Deutsch-Russischen Beziehungen 1939/1941', Hamburg, 1949, p.83)
"-- and now the official Soviet history confirms that the Non-Aggression Pact was only concluded to gain time; that the decision for an attack had already been made in the Spring of 1940." -- Kommunist, Moscow, Nr.5, April, 1958. p73/86

"If war does not occur of its own accord, so it has to be plotted. . . no power in the world can stop the course from the Communist world revolution to the Soviet world republic." V.I. Lenin, Ausgewahlte Werke, Vol.2  [emphasis ours jp]


"The common view is stated with the usual abandon in W.L Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, of which, incidentally, the A.J.P. Taylor book, Origins of the Second World War, is a devastating refutation.

"Shirer declares that the German note to Russia on June 22nd, 1941, 'topped all the previous ones for sheer effrontery and deceit' because it charged that Russia had practised sabotage, terrorism and espionage against Germany, had resisted German attempts to establish a stable order in Europe, had conspired with Great Britain in the Balkans, and had menaced the Third Reich with troop concentrations.

"As a matter of fact every word in these charges was true." -- Harry Elmer Barnes, U.S War Historian

Note: The Jewish author, William L. Shirer's, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, is probably the most hyped book on the Third Reich in existence; there can be few who do not have a copy and who use it to base their opinions on the period. In fact, it is no more authoritative and reliable than are for instance notorious tabloids such as The News of the World and The Sun. It had been at one time my intention to conclusively expose each of its falsehoods, deliberate distortions, half-truths and omissions, using only the most reliably-sourced documented evidence. It quickly became apparent that the task would take too long for the time available, as the book is from first page to last a calculated distortion.

I trust that Witness to History will help to set the record straight, and recommend also A.J.P. Taylor's The Origins of the Second World War and Liddell Hart's History of the Second World War.

"It is doubtful if a more extensive anthology of errors (Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich) concerning the personality and policies of Hitler and the causes and responsibility for the Second World War has ever been assembled, even in war time." -- Harry Elmer Barnes
"Although Hitler offered very generous terms to Poland in 1938 - 1939, they were nothing compared with those he offered Molotov in Berlin in November, 1940.

"Izvolski would quite literally have swooned with ecstasy over such a prospect -- not only the freedom of the Straits but access to the Persian Gulf and the great riches of the Middle East. The fact that Russia rejected these brusquely is the best proof that Stalin wished war rather than a peaceful adjustment with Hitler." -- Harry Elmer Barnes, U.S. War Historian

"Terror is a means of persuasion." V.I. Lenin, Werke, 3, Ed. Vol. 27, Moscow, 1937, p. 296


"We should avoid. . . "even appearing to encourage a small, noisy and corrupt war group here." which he later identified as, "The Communists who are paid by Moscow." -- Eric Phipps, British Ambassador to France


"I would like to remind you about the kind of system the foreign relations have been taken up with. Here it is:
"It was a system that got into power by armed revolt, that dispersed the constituent assembly.
"It was a system that liquidated political opponents without any judicial proceedings, that suppressed the strikes of the working men, that pillaged the villages so insufferably thus driving the peasants to rebellion, which were crushed bloodily.

"It was a system that destroyed the Church, that drove twenty governments of the country into starvation.

"It was a system that was first to introduce concentration camps in the twentieth century, as well as the method of taking hostages. i.e. not by catching the persecuted ones, but rather their families or indiscriminately any one to shoot them down.

"It was a system that deceived the working people with all its decrees; the decree concerning the land reform, the decree concerning peace, the decree concerning the manufacturing plants, the decree concerning the freedom of the Press.

"It was a system that liquidated all the other parties. I ask you to get me right; it did not alone destroy the parties as such, it did not only dissolve the parties, but it liquidated their members.

"It was a system that introduced the genocide of the peasants: fifteen million peasants have been deported for liquidation.

"It was the system that introduced serfdom anew.

"It was the system that provoked an artificial famine in the Ukraine during peace time. Six million people died of hunger in the Ukraine at the border of Europe during the years 1932 and 1933.

"During the years 1918 and 1919 the Tcheka shot more than 1,000 people a month without legal procedure. At the climax of Stalin-terror, during the years 1937-1938, the number of people shot to death averages more than 40,000 a month.

"-- and with this country, with this Soviet Union, the whole allied democratic world entered a war alliance in 1941." -- Alexander Solszenizyn, June, 30th, 1975. U.S. -- American Union Organisation

Next -- Chapter 12 -- THE PEACEMAKERS

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