Michael Walsh
"There were no gas chambers at Auschwitz or anywhere else in wartime Europe. On that I state my reputation and career." - Professor Robert Faurisson
The Soviet Union dressed its aggressive territorial expansion up as the 'Great Patriotic War', ignoring the fact that its tanks had crushed patriotic tendencies in a score or more of nations. Similarly Western leaders bearing responsibility for the 2nd World War sought desperately to cover up their tracks.
As in the USSR the true nature of Hitler's Germany; the causes of war, the conduct of it and its aftermath, needed to be kept from the British people.
Guaranteeing Poland's illegal occupation of German territory, would hardly justify the scale of the tragedy and could hardly explain the dismemberment of Germany, the handing over of eleven independent nations to Stalin's dictatorship, the excesses of the victors, and the deaths of an estimated 16 million Germans . . . not to mention our own losses. There were compelling reasons for hiding the truth, even fifty-years on. But Churchill's 'bodyguard of lies to protect the truth' needed to be insulated also.
Hitler's Germany had to be so thoroughly vilified that few would have the courage to defend it. Those who did - as in the Soviet Union - would find themselves denied a platform or publicly defamed in a modern version of the stocks, leading to probable loss of livelihood. No publisher would dare to allow anyone to point out that the emperor has no clothes. All lies as a consequence have gone unchallenged and have become part of established 'fact'.
"A very disturbing thing has happened to journalism, to the writing of history, and even to justice. In anything to do with the Nazis . . . any attempt at detachment is considered suspect, any degree of objectivity reprehensible . . . I have to battle in print against, men like Martin Gray (For Those I Have Loved) who use these appalling events for self-aggrandisement . . . but attacking Gray causes wrathful indignation among holocaust dogmatists." - Gitta Sereny, London Review of Books, April 21st 1988
All wars by necessity are accompanied by propaganda and most people are familiar with the lies and exaggerations. But the megalithic scale of the Second World War was such that stories of German troops throwing Belgian babies in the air to catch them on bayonets, fell far short of requirements if the victors' populations were to accept their governments' version of events, and their own suffering.
"We know how the Red Army behaved in Poland in 1920, and in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Galicia, and Bessarabia only recently.
'We must, therefore, take into account how the Red Army will behave when it overruns Central Europe. Unless precautions are taken, the obviously inevitable horrors, which will result, will throw an undue strain on public opinion in this country.
"We cannot reform the Bolsheviks, but we can do our best to save them - and ourselves - from the consequences of their acts. The disclosure of the past quarter of a century will render mere denials unconvincing. The only alternative to denial is to distract public attention from the whole subject.
"Experience has shown that the best distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy. Unfortunately the public is no longer so susceptible as in the days of 'the corpse factory', the 'mutilated Belgian babies' and the 'crucified Canadians'.
"Your co-operation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your wholehearted support of various charges against the Germans and the Japanese which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry. Your expression of belief in such may convince others. I am Sir, your obedient servant.
(Signed) H. Hewett, Assistant Secretary
"The Ministry can enter into no correspondence of any kind with regard to this communication which should only be disclosed to responsible persons."
Allied Wartime Diplomacy, Edward Rozek - A Pattern in Poland, York/London, 1958
All of us are familiar with the photographic evidence of Nazi-inspired genocide; we have seen the pictures, the newsreels taken at Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau. How can it be denied?
It is not. What is a matter of dispute, where the film and photographs are genuine, is not the cause of the tragedy but the reasons for it.
The popular belief is that these huge mounds of skeletal corpses are proof of a deliberate policy of genocide; caught in the act so to speak. In fact, the physical condition of the camp inmates was not far removed from that of many of the general German population. (See. Chapter.20).
There are thousands of photographs and newsreels, admittedly not readily available for obvious reasons, that show German civilians, women and children in a similar state of emaciation.
To understand why, one has to understand that much of Germany in the final months of the war resembled a moonscape; the infrastructure had completely disintegrated; road and rail links were hopelessly disrupted and food distribution non-existent. Millions of refugees were fleeing into the Reich, millions more were displaced. Chaos was king.
Throughout war-torn Europe and especially in the displaced persons and refugee camps where large numbers congregated, disease; cholera and typhoid were rampant and knew no physical or political borders:
"A typhus epidemic now rages amongst them, and they are said to be dying at the rate of 100 a day." - London Daily Mail, August 6th 1945
"..... there is a typhoid epidemic in the camp which has already spread to the neighbouring village." - Louis Clair, The Progressive, January 14th 1946
"By reason of heavy bombing, road communications had been destroyed and no supplies had reached the camp; typhoid fever ensued and hundreds of prisoners had died as a consequence. The allies arrived on the scene and found a terrible situation." - Cyril Connolly, The Golden Horizon, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London
"The German Army at Bergen had forewarned the British that a full-blown epidemic of typhus had broken out among the prisoners in the camp." - Douglas Botting, In The Ruins of the Reich, George Allen & Unwin. London, 1985
"Disease of all kinds was rife and in a vast number of cases it was difficult to tell which disease predominated - whether it was typhus, starvation, tubercle or a combination of all three, which was responsible for the shattered wrecks of human beings who formed the majority of the inmates . . .
"there had been no water for about a week owing to damage by (allied) shell fire to the electrical pumping equipment on which the system depended." - Appendix 'O' Chapter. V11, Second Army History
"Interestingly, this report alluding to the disruption of supplies due to the total war conditions mentions " meals varied from one to three per day."
"Interesting because the inmates of Belsen were better fed than the German prisoners held by the Americans. . . 260,000 German POWs held by the Americans after the fighting had ended 'lived' (actually 1,200 died) on one potato, a single biscuit, a spoonful of vegetables and some water, a day". - The Times, 7th March 1995
Such photographs as those taken at Bergen-Belsen could have been taken anywhere in Central Europe, where millions of civilians of many nations faced death through starvation and disease, producing similar mounds of emaciated corpses. In the case of Displaced Persons and concentration camp victims, the causes were deprivation, starvation, typhoid and cholera; not as a deliberate policy but as a direct consequence of the allies determination to totally destroy Germany, leading to unconditional surrender. This may not be palatable, but it is the truth.
On a visit that I made to Dachau - and I invite you to do likewise - you will see numerous photographs of inmates, clearly in good health and thoroughly fit, even wearing industrial gloves to protect their hands. Each of us have seen photographs of inmates at the point of liberation who again are obviously in good health.
I have yet to hear an explanation as to why in some parts of Germany the liberated were physically fit and in good health, whilst in other parts we see the horrendous results of starvation and disease. We can draw our own conclusions from the fact that the scale and location of such misery or lack of it, is directly related to the destructiveness of the allied war machine.
Oswald Pohl of the S.S Economy and Administration Office, provided incriminating statements relating to camp procedures, but only under torture:
"Pohl had signed some incriminating statements after being subjected to severe torture, including a bogus admission that he had seen a gas chamber at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944." - Senator McCarthy
Prior to Pohl being arrested and tortured as a means of procuring 'evidence of extermination', one Heinrich Hoepker, vehemently anti-Nazi who was nevertheless friendly with Oswald Pohl's wife and as such a frequent visitor between the years 1942 - 1945, described the S.S officer:
"Hoepker noted that Pohl was essentially a mild-mannered and serene person. During a visit to Pohl in the spring of 1944, Hoepker was brought into contact with concentration camp inmates who were working on a local project outside the camp area. He noted that the prisoners worked in a leisurely manner and relaxed atmosphere without any pressure from their guards.
"Hoepker declared that Pohl did not hold an emotional attitude towards the Jews, and did not object to his wife entertaining her Jewish friend, Annemarie Jacques at their home.
"By the beginning of 1945, Hoepker was fully convinced that the administrator of the concentration camps was a humane, conscientious and dedicated servant of the task, and he was astonished when he heard later in 1945 of the accusations being made against Pohl and his colleagues. Frau Pohl noted that her husband retained his serenity in the face of adversity until March, 1945, when he visited the camp at Bergen-Belsen, at the time of the typhus epidemic there. Hitherto the camp had been the model of cleanliness and order, but the chaotic conditions of the close of the war had reduced it to a state of extreme hardship.
"Pohl, who was unable to alleviate conditions there because of the desperate pass the war had reached by that time, was deeply effected by the experience and, according to his wife, never regained his former state of composure."
"Mass murder! I assure you that we never for a moment had such things in mind. I only thought we would eliminate Jews from positions in big business and government, and that was all. But don't forget that the Jews carried on a terrific campaign against us too, all over the world." - Herman Goering from his death cell
It is an established fact that the Jews in Germany were very few indeed. The Germans who are very good at keeping statistics, never as far as I am aware claimed there to be in excess of 1%, which would number less than 1 million. The Jewish Joint Distribution Committee put the figure at 1,559,600 have yet to explain why they are claiming compensation for double that figure.
[Note - JP: In Samuel Untermeyer's speech where he called for a 'holy war' against Germany (August 1933) he stated that "we must save those 600,000. . ."]
Any reasoned or academic analysis of the alleged program of extermination inevitably leads to gross inconsistencies; so much so that the propagandists have reluctantly beaten a retreat on every so-called extermination camp, until all they are left with is Auschwitz, which conveniently was 'liberated' by the Red Army who never allowed outsiders in until 10 years after the war's end.
"Our detailed research (into the holocaust) however mostly establishes only how shaky is the ground we're on: the consensus of research data often turns out only to be the result of everybody having uncritically copied what everybody else was writing; the actual documentary basis on many matters is frighteningly narrow and is in consequence easily shattered by some find or other.
"In all too many matters we are still groping in total darkness. If we are to avert being shown up, in the next few years historical research is going to have to do all it can not only to establish better documentary defences but broader-based ones as well." - Dr. Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm, University of Riga, 1988
"A large number of testimonials on file here were later proved to be inaccurate when locations and dates could not pass an expert historian's appraisal." - Shmuel Krakowski, Director Archives, Yad Vashem, Israel
"Much of the personal survivor testimony is unreliable about names, locations or dates... what survivors speak about most is their suffering. Samuel Gringauz, a survivor had harsh words for these personal histories.
"In the January 1950 issue of Jewish Social Studies he called the 'Judaeocentric, logocentric and egocentric'. For him, most of the memoirs were full of 'preposterous verbosity, exaggeration, dramatic effects, dilettante philosophism, would-by lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias and apologies." - Raul Hilberg, Jerusalem Post, June 28th 1986
"The testimony of all witnesses who 'had seen him (Adolf Eichmann) with their own eyes' collapsed the moment the question was read out to him." - Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem, 1971. p.208
"I know of no other case in which so many deviations from procedures internationally accepted as desirable occurred." - Dr. William A Wagenaar, Harvard University Press
Even Albert Speer, the Third Reich's Minister of Armaments, a gifted technician rather than an idealist and as such ready to compromise on matters of honour, could never bring himself to support the victors lies on the extermination allegations. He
"...always maintained that he did not know of the death camps in which six million Jews died."
If one had known, surely it would have to be Speer.
"I was in Dachau for 17 months after the war, as a U.S. War Department Attorney, and can state that there were no gas chambers at Dachau.
"What was shown to visitors and sightseers there and erroneously described as a gas chamber was a crematory.
"Nor was there a gas chamber in any other the other concentration camps in Germany. We were told that there was a gas chamber at Auschwitz, but since this was in the Russian zone of occupation, we were not permitted to investigate since the Russians would not allow it.
"From what I was able to determine in six years of post-war Germany and Austria, there were a number of Jews killed, but the figure of a million was certainly never reached. I interviewed thousands of Jews, former inmates of concentration camps in Germany and Austria, and consider myself as well qualified on the subject as any man." - Stephen F. Pinter, Our Sunday Visitor, June 14th 1959
In 1946, a memorial plaque was unveiled at Dachau by Philip Auerbach, the Jewish State Secretary in the Bavarian Government. The plaque read: 'This area is being retained as a shrine to the 238,000 individuals who were cremated here.'
Since then, this figure has consistently been revised downwards to its present total of 20,600, who it appears died from typhus and starvation at the end of the war.
Note: Auerbach has since been convicted for embezzling money that he claimed for non-existent Jews. It appears that the State Secretary certainly had a way with figures.
It was not long before it was admitted that there had been no extermination camps on territory captured by the western allies. Equally conveniently it was discovered that the extermination camps just happened to have been on territory occupied by the Russians.
Dr. Martin Broszat, the anti-Nazi Director of the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich who can lay claim to being a major influence on the genocide issue, admitted in Die Zeit, (August 19th 1960). 'That there were no extermination camps on German soil.', and that instead, one had to look 'above all to Auschwitz.'
Yet, by general historical consensus the evidence of Auschwitz is overwhelmingly dependent upon the 'confessions' of its Commandant, Rudolf Hoess.
COMMANDANT OF AUSCHWITZ, Rudolf Hoess (London, 1960)
This book purports to be the testimony of Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 until his arrest by the British Army in 1945. Subjected to torture and brain-washing, 'his testimony at Nuremberg was delivered in a mindless monotone as he stared blankly into space.'
Even Reitlinger regarded his testimony as hopelessly untrustworthy; a catalogue of wild exaggerations. These included his declaration that 16,000 Jew a day were disposed of - which would have meant 13 million in total!
Tortured, his statement appears in American-English idiom yet there is no evidence that Rudolf Hoess could speak any English at all. Tried at Nuremberg and handed over to the Polish Communists in 1947, he was ordered to write the story of his life, which was published as Wspomniena in the Polish language. It is said that the hand-written original exists, but no one has ever seen it.
Kidnapped by the Israelis in May, 1960, this impudent illegality again had a happy coincidence in that the incident happened just as 'war crimes investigators found in the archives of the U.S. Library of Congress', more than fifteen years after the war's end, the 'complete file' of Eichmann's department. Needless to say these files were riddled with inconsistencies and errors.
This former commandant of Treblinka is equally interesting and for this we have to be grateful for his reminisces 'written' - a few days before his death in prison.
First published in 1952, The Diary of Anne Frank, a classical weepy about a Jewish adolescent's tribulations at the hands of Nazis became an immediate best-seller, succeeded by television and film events.
Less well known is the fact that the 'actual diary' consisted of just 150 notes. This somewhere along the way transformed itself into a 293 page published tome of a high literary standard dealing with historical events that make it highly unlikely to have been written by any twelve-year old girl.
Nor was this the only miracle, for it emerged that many of the notes, corrections and suchlike were written in a ball-point pen; a writing implement that was not invented until 1951, a number of years after the girl is supposed to have died.
Hardly surprising therefore that between 1956 and 1958, Meyer Levin, a well known author and journalist successfully sued Otto Frank, Anne's father, for $50,000 as indemnity for 'fraud, default and unauthorized employment of ideas'. It appeared that it wasn't so much a case of The Diary of Anne Frank, as the case of The Diary of Meyer Levin.
Furthermore, the handwriting attributed to Anne Frank and the handwriting in the 'diary' bear no similarity. When in April, a Swedish investigator wrote to Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank, requesting permission to come to Switzerland, bringing with him a party of experts to examine the original documents, which had never before been examined, his request was refused by Otto Frank... "who wished no further contact." Further comment would be superfluous.
It is at Auschwitz that the most fanciful statistics appear, and it seems a great shame that the propagandists couldn't at least get together and agree on a figure.
In Olga Legyel's Five Chimneys (London, 1959) it is claimed that the camp cremated 720 per hour or 17,280 per 24-hour shift. She alleges that a further 8,000 a day were burned in 'death pits'.
This means that between March 1942 and October 1944, the single camp of Auschwitz would have disposed of 21,000,000 Jews . . . Which happens to be 6 million more than the entire world population of Jews!
Reitlinger admitted that only 363,000 inmates 'were registered at the camp between January 1940 and February 1945.' - The S.S. Alibi of a Nation, p.268
Any analysis of propagandist figures exposes a statistical fraud on a ludicrous scale, and a complete absence of hard evidence.
"There were no gas chambers at Auschwitz or anywhere else in wartime Europe. On that I state my reputation and career." - Professor Robert Faurisson
"Despite thousands of detailed documents on the crematoria built to dispose of the bodies of typhus victims, not a single piece of documentary evidence has ever been produced to substantiate the existence of even one gas chamber; not an order for construction, a plan, an invoice, or a photograph. During the hundreds of 'war crimes' trials, nothing could be produced. - Professor Robert Faurrisson. Le Monde
Although millions of gassings are said to have occurred, 'no one has ever been charged with murder by gassing. That is, no one has ever been charged with operating the alleged gas chambers." - John Bennett, Secretary; Victoria Council for Civil Liberties
Professor Paul Rassinier is generally regarded as being the doyen of the revisionist movement. A French Marxist and committed anti-National Socialist, he was arrested by the Germans during the war and interned at Buchenwald and Dora concentration camps between 1943 and 1945. He has always been at the forefront in disproving the allegations of genocide.
"I was in Auschwitz from January, 1944 until December, 1944. After the war I heard about the mass murders supposedly perpetrated by the S.S against the Jewish prisoners, and I was perfectly astonished. There were no secrets at Auschwitz." - Thies Christopherson, Research worker at Auschwitz
"In September, 1944 a Commission of the International Red Cross came to the camp for an inspection. They were particularly interested in the camp at Birkenau, although we also had many inspections at Raisko." - Bunawerk Section, p.85
"The fact that we were able to receive visits from our relatives at any time demonstrates the openness of the camp administration. Had Auschwitz been a great extermination camp, we would certainly not have been able to receive such visits." - Thies Christopherson, p.27
"Auschwitz, despite its emblematic name, was NOT primarily an extermination camp for the Jews and is not the central case through which to study extermination." - Gite Sereny, Jewish Historian, The New Statesman, November 2nd 1979
Other Jews who have spoken out against what has been described as 'the hoax of the twentieth century', include Beael Chaim, the head of the prestigious Revisionist Press publishing house. Professor Howard Stein, the noted historian at the University of Oklahoma, and Jean-Gabrielle Cohn-Bendit, a writer with the French Guillaume Publishing Group.
Shirer, the author of the tendentious 'Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' alleges that 300,000 Hungarian Jews were done to death in just 46 days (ibid. p.1156). This would have meant almost the extermination of Hungary's Jewish population of 380,000. But, according to the Central Statistical Office in Budapest, there were 260,000 Jews living in Hungary - in 1945!
"Why then are they, the Israelis, obstructing all honest research into the six million question? All statistics will so long be controversial until world Jewry and Zionism will be willing to present to the public exact official statistics of the losses. The roadblock to research is due to the fact that from six million dead, one can exact far more reparations than from say 6,000." - Joseph Ginsburg, Jewish researcher and survivor, Munich
NOTE: To date, (West) Germany has paid out 80 billion deutschmarks in 'compensation' to Israel, which doesn't go entirely without gratitude:
". . . the state of Israel would not have half of its present infrastructure; every train in Israel is German, the ships are German, as well as electricity, a big part of industry . . . without mentioning the individual pensions paid to survivors." - Nahum Goldman, In The Name of Israel. (1978)
The allies get their justification, the Israelis get their 80 billion deutschmarks and the Soviets add another eleven nations to their empire.
As Dr. Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm of the University of Riga says,
"... research data often turns out only to be the result of everybody having uncritically copied what everybody else was writing."
Indeed, many of the figures bandied about originate in cheap paperbacks churned out by 'quack-hacks' out to make a fast buck out of combining the victors' need for justification and the public lust for scandal. Such nonsense is then assiduously re-cycled with highly imaginative embroidery until it loses all contact with reality - which ironically causes outrage from the professional propagandists astute enough to see the danger this presents.
FOR THOSE I LOVED. Martin Gray, Bodley Head, 1973
This book purports to describe the experiences of the author at Treblinka camp in Poland. Gray in fact specialized in selling fake antiques in America before he was attracted to the buck-earning potential of cashing in on the insatiable appetite for holocaust-hype. Even the BBC was sufficiently cautious to ask him why he had waited twenty-eight years to reveal all.
This Polish-Jew, author of the above title, drew up the UN Geneva Convention which sought to outlaw 'racism' whose extermination figures would have meant - according to official Jewish statistics - the extermination of the world's Jewish population by 1945.
According to the World Almanac there were 16 million Jews in the world in 1938; the New York Times puts it at 15 million.
The only evidence was: "The three of four people chiefly involved in drawing up the plan for total extermination are dead, and no documents exist." How very convenient!
One would expect this renowned self-styled expert on the Third Reich to have done other than weakly conclude that Hitler's order for the murder of Jews, 'apparently was never committed to paper - at least no copy of it has ever been unearthed. It was probably given verbally to Goering, Himmler, Heydrich, who passed it down....'
It seems strange that German officers, who appear fond of taking souvenir pictures of graveside executions, would be so coy about putting their thoughts on paper.
THE INCOMPARABLE CRIME, Manvel and Frank, London, 1967, p.46
The term, 'final solution' had its origins in a memorandum issued nine months before the outbreak of war:
"Supplementing the task that was assigned to you on 24th, January, 1939, to solve the Jewish problem by means of emigration and evacuation in the best possible way according to conditions."
The supplementary task referred to 'a total solution (gesamtlosung) of the Jewish question within the area of German influence in Europe.' Manvel and Frankl substituted the word extermination for emigration, and so the 'final solution was born'.
The alleged final details of the plan to exterminate European Jewry are said to have taken place at the Gross Wansee Conference held in Berlin, 20th, January 1942. Unfortunately again there isn't the slightest documentary evidence supporting such a plan. It seems, according to Manvel and Frankl that, 'the minutes are shrouded in the form of officialdom that cloaks the real significance of the words and terminology that are being used.'
Of all the innumerable directives and documents that allegedly passed between Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Adold Eichmann and Wilhelm Hoess, it seemed that, 'none had survived.'
THE OTHER KINGDOM, David Rousset, New York, 1947.
This book like many others carried extravagant claims about gas chambers at Buchenwald. The anti-Hitler Professor Paul Rassinier, who himself spent a considerable time as an inmate at Buchenwald, effectively proved that no such gas chambers existed; nor was there any program of extermination. Today, it is no longer claimed to have been an extermination camp.
CHAINES ET LUMIERES, Abbe Jean-Paul Renard.
Professor Paul Rassinier traced the author and asked how he could possibly have testified as to the existence of gas chambers. Renard replied, 'that others had told him of their existence, and hence had been willing to pose as a witness to things that he had never seen.'
RAVENSBRUCK; THE WOMEN'S CAMP OF DEATH, Denise Dufournier, London, 1948
Traced and found to have no evidence other 'than vague rumors that Charlotte Borman stated were deliberately spread by Communist political prisoners.'
TEUFEL UND VERDAMTE, Benedikt Kautsky.
The author was traced, interviewed and confessed that he had never seen a gas chamber and that he had based his 'first hand information' on "what others had told him."
It has been impossible to trace the author. He is not known to exist.
"Even when Henry Kissinger bemoans some ten relatives whom he calls casualties of Auschwitz, he never gives us names or dates." - Dr. A.J. App, Ph.d
Since the war and up until his death, Professor Paul Rassinier tracked down and interviewed scores of authors and writers of articles, who had claimed first hand experience of extermination. He had never found a single eyewitness; no one who had ever seen a gas chamber much less one in operation. Nor could any of the authors and writers produce a single living witness who had done so.
An often told story is of how Heinrich Himmler on August 31st 1942 personally witnessed the execution of 100 Jews by an Einsatz detachment in Minsk, 'causing him to nearly faint.'
This account is repeated over and over again in books and magazines, despite the fact that as long ago as April, 1959, Bach-Zelewski admitted in court, 'that he had made the allegations for the sake of expediency and his own survival.' The court accepted his retraction.
"In fact, it is known that on that date Himmler was in conference in his Field headquarters at Zhitomir in the Ukraine." - Die Wehrmacht im Kampf. K. Vowinckel, Vol.4, p.275
Often quoted - with embellishment - this German officer's death is shrouded in mystery after 'he had confessed'. His claims appear regularly, even in school textbooks.
Despite his rank, Gerstein was far from being a National Socialist and was apparently vehement on this point. Increasingly eccentric and convicted for sending eccentric mail through the post, he claimed to have infiltrated the S.S and told his French interrogator that no less than 40 million internees had been gassed.
On April, 12th, 1945, he revised this figure downwards to 25 million but even this figure - much larger than the world's Jewish population was too unreal for French propaganda purposes, and so the compromise figure of six million was agreed.
Afterwards, Gerstein hanged himself in Cherche Midi Prison in Paris, although interestingly neither his body nor his grave have ever been found.
This person's evidence is often quoted but in fact he was an intelligence agent working for both the Americans and the Soviet Union. Close colleagues included two Jewish agents, Perger and Verber, based in Vienna, who acted as 'U.S. Army officers during the Nuremberg trials'.
"It should be emphasised straight away that there is not a single document in existence which proves that the Germans intended to, or carried out, the deliberate murder of Jews." - Did Six Million Really Die? Richard Harwood, Historical Review Press
After being tortured, the subsequent 'confessions' sent General Ernst Kaltenbrunner to the gallows.
Declared that the very first time he had heard of the extermination claims 'was right here in Nuremberg.' The Jewish writers, Poliakov, Reitlinger, Manvell and Frankl, all tried to implicate Goering but, 'Charles Bewley in his work, Herman Goering (Gottingen, 1956) shows that not the slightest evidence was found at Nuremberg to substantiate this charge.
The 'evidence' of S.S Captain Dieter Wisliceny alleging Hitler's extermination program is widely quoted and again embellished. An assistant in Adolf Eichmann's office, the captain fell into the hands of Czech Communists and he was 'interrogated' at the Soviet-controlled Bratislava Prison during November 1946.
Wisliceny was in fact tortured to "becoming a nervous wreck addicted to uncontrollable fits of sobbing for hours on end prior to execution."
This General was 'persuaded to confess' that 90,000 Jews had been killed under his command alone.' In 1948, three years after the war's end when Ohlendorf came to be tried, he retracted his statements claiming that they had been extracted under torture. He was executed in 1951 and of course, his 'confessions' still appear as evidence.
There is a great deal written, illustrated and filmed about the alleged extermination program carried out by Hitler's Germany. It is interesting to note that if such evidence was admissible only if proven, and not extracted under torture, there would be no evidence whatsoever that Hitler's Germany had a policy of extermination; gassing or otherwise, against any racial grouping.
Next -- Chapter 24 -- THE NUREMBERG 'TRIALS'