Wolves in Sheep's Clothing |
He introduces look-good legislation to drag people's attention away from the local and state governments -- where the REAL ATTACK ON AMERICANS IS HAPPENING.
If we were to do some checking we would probably find confirmation, too, of what I've been told by several people, and what I read in one letter to a constituent from a U.S. Congressman... that is: They are NOT representatives of their American 'constituents'. They are representatives of the U.S. Government, Inc.
-- Jackie
H RES 365
12-MAR-2002 6:58 PM
QUESTION: On Motion to Suspend
the Rules and Agree
BILL TITLE: Providing for
the concurrence by the House with amendments in the amendment of the Senate
to H.R. 1885.
REPUBLICAN | 92 | 123 | 6 | |
DEMOCRATIC | 182 | 13 | 16 | |
INDEPENDENT | 1 | 1 | ||
TOTALS | 275 | 137 | 22 |
Abercrombie | Hall (OH) | Olver |
Ackerman | Harman | Osborne |
Allen | Hart | Ose |
Andrews | Hastings (FL) | Otter |
Armey | Hastings (WA) | Owens |
Baca | Hill | Oxley |
Baird | Hinchey | Pallone |
Baldacci | Hobson | Pascrell |
Baldwin | Hoeffel | Pastor |
Becerra | Holden | Paul |
Berkley | Holt | Payne |
Berman | Honda | Pelosi |
Berry | Hooley | Petri |
Biggert | Houghton | Phelps |
Bishop | Hoyer | Pomeroy |
Blumenauer | Hyde | Portman |
Boehlert | Inslee | Price (NC) |
Boehner | Israel | Pryce (OH) |
Bonilla | Issa | Quinn |
Bonior | Jackson (IL) | Radanovich |
Bono | Jefferson | Rahall |
Borski | John | Rangel |
Boswell | Johnson (CT) | Regula |
Boucher | Johnson (IL) | Reyes |
Brady (PA) | Johnson, E. B. | Reynolds |
Brown (FL) | Jones (OH) | Rivers |
Brown (OH) | Kanjorski | Rodriguez |
Buyer | Kelly | Roemer |
Calvert | Kennedy (MN) | Rogers (KY) |
Cannon | Kennedy (RI) | Ros-Lehtinen |
Capps | Kildee | Ross |
Capuano | Kilpatrick | Rothman |
Cardin | Kind (WI) | Roybal-Allard |
Carson (OK) | King (NY) | Rush |
Castle | Kirk | Ryan (WI) |
Chabot | Kleczka | Sabo |
Clay | Knollenberg | Sanchez |
Clayton | Kolbe | Sanders |
Clyburn | Kucinich | Sandlin |
Condit | LaFalce | Sawyer |
Conyers | Lampson | Schakowsky |
Costello | Langevin | Schiff |
Cox | Lantos | Scott |
Coyne | Larsen (WA) | Sensenbrenner |
Cramer | Larson (CT) | Serrano |
Crowley | Latham | Shaw |
Cummings | LaTourette | Shays |
Cunningham | Leach | Sherman |
Davis (CA) | Lee | Simmons |
Davis (FL) | Levin | Simpson |
Davis, Tom | Lewis (CA) | Skeen |
DeFazio | Lewis (GA) | Skelton |
DeGette | Lofgren | Slaughter |
Delahunt | Lucas (KY) | Smith (NJ) |
DeLauro | Luther | Smith (TX) |
DeLay | Lynch | Smith (WA) |
Deutsch | Maloney (CT) | Snyder |
Diaz-Balart | Maloney (NY) | Solis |
Dicks | Markey | Souder |
Dingell | Mascara | Spratt |
Doggett | Matheson | Stark |
Dooley | Matsui | Stenholm |
Doyle | McCarthy (MO) | Strickland |
Dreier | McCarthy (NY) | Sununu |
Dunn | McCollum | Tanner |
Edwards | McDermott | Tauscher |
Ehlers | McGovern | Tauzin |
Ehrlich | McHugh | Terry |
Engel | McIntyre | Thomas |
English | McKeon | Thompson (CA) |
Etheridge | McKinney | Thornberry |
Evans | McNulty | Tiahrt |
Farr | Meehan | Tiberi |
Fattah | Meek (FL) | Tierney |
Filner | Meeks (NY) | Towns |
Fletcher | Menendez | Turner |
Foley | Millender-McDonald | Udall (CO) |
Ford | Miller, George | Udall (NM) |
Fossella | Mink | Velazquez |
Frank | Mollohan | Walsh |
Frost | Moore | Waters |
Gephardt | Moran (VA) | Watkins (OK) |
Gibbons | Morella | Watson (CA) |
Gilchrest | Murtha | Watt (NC) |
Gillmor | Nadler | Watts (OK) |
Gilman | Napolitano | Waxman |
Gonzalez | Nethercutt | Weller |
Goss | Ney | Wilson (NM) |
Green (TX) | Northup | Woolsey |
Green (WI) | Nussle | Wu |
Grucci | Oberstar | Wynn |
Gutierrez | Obey |
Aderholt | Goodlatte | Pitts |
Akin | Gordon | Platts |
Bachus | Graham | Pombo |
Baker | Granger | Putnam |
Ballenger | Graves | Ramstad |
Barcia | Greenwood | Rehberg |
Barr | Gutknecht | Riley |
Bartlett | Hall (TX) | Rogers (MI) |
Bass | Hansen | Rohrabacher |
Bereuter | Hayes | Roukema |
Bilirakis | Hayworth | Royce |
Blunt | Hefley | Ryun (KS) |
Boozman | Herger | Saxton |
Boyd | Hilliard | Schaffer |
Brady (TX) | Hoekstra | Schrock |
Brown (SC) | Horn | Sessions |
Bryant | Hostettler | Shadegg |
Burr | Hulshof | Sherwood |
Callahan | Hunter | Shimkus |
Camp | Isakson | Shows |
Cantor | Istook | Shuster |
Capito | Jenkins | Smith (MI) |
Chambliss | Jones (NC) | Stearns |
Clement | Kaptur | Stump |
Coble | Keller | Stupak |
Collins | Kerns | Sullivan |
Combest | Kingston | Tancredo |
Cooksey | LaHood | Taylor (MS) |
Crane | Lewis (KY) | Taylor (NC) |
Crenshaw | Linder | Thune |
Cubin | LoBiondo | Thurman |
Culberson | Lucas (OK) | Toomey |
Davis, Jo Ann | Manzullo | Upton |
Deal | McCrery | Visclosky |
DeMint | McInnis | Vitter |
Duncan | Mica | Walden |
Emerson | Miller, Dan | Wamp |
Everett | Miller, Gary | Weldon (FL) |
Ferguson | Miller, Jeff | Weldon (PA) |
Flake | Moran (KS) | Whitfield |
Forbes | Myrick | Wicker |
Frelinghuysen | Norwood | Wilson (SC) |
Gallegly | Pence | Wolf |
Ganske | Peterson (MN) | Young (AK) |
Gekas | Peterson (PA) | Young (FL) |
Goode | Pickering |
Barrett | Eshoo | Ortiz |
Barton | Hilleary | Sweeney |
Bentsen | Hinojosa | Thompson (MS) |
Blagojevich | Jackson-Lee (TX) | Traficant |
Burton | Johnson, Sam | Weiner |
Carson (IN) | Lipinski | Wexler |
Davis (IL) | Lowey | |
Doolittle | Neal |