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Here is some important information for subscribers to the "Feasts" and "MessianicSDA" e-mail lists.  The post from the list administrator below, outlines the problem. For more information about Y2K virus threats, click here.

Thanks to some "learning from a friend", I have as of today, changed the settings for this forum to: Discard attachments (attachments sent with an email will be removed)

Reference Bill's latest post:

A message was posted today to the feasts list that contains a virus. The message is listed as from feasts@onelist.com and the subject is listed as "[feasts]Re: Shabbat in My Home".

I scanned an attachment named "g--zilla.exe" with Norton antivirus updated on just 12/6 and did not detect a virus. Then I went to the Norton web site and got an update and rescanned and got a message that a virus named "W32.NewApt.Worm" was present.

Subscribers to MessianicSDA should also be on the lookout as there is substantial crossover between the two lists. Everything I hear is that viruses are running rampant right now. Make sure you have virus protection on your computer and make sure it is updated regularly for new viruses.

FYI.....I NEVER open ANY attachment that says ...exe. It goes in the trash immediately and my recycle bin gets scrubbed. I have a zip drive and I think I will just move all other attachments to the zip file (where it's isolated from my hard drive) and will scan while it's isolated. I certainly can't afford to loose my hard drive and I don't think the rest of you can either

Bill's statement below to the Messianic SDAs pretty well sums up my feelings as well. Due to the virus that was sent to the feasts list I have changed our profile to exclude file attachments. Any file attachments you send will be discarded before your message is delivered to the group. This is necessary for the health of the group at this time.

For most, this means that your html version messages will be stripped of their goodies and just text will be sent.

I would like to think that when we get through 1/1/00 we will revert back to allowing attachments. I, for one, prefer the html format. But, given the drek out there in the world, we have to be defensive.

Bill and Jo Kuhlmeyer Billnjok@mail.com ICQ#5404252

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