The recent election with its twists and turns has given
rise to the question of the Electoral College process
that was put into place by the founders.
The fact remains that in order to
dismantle the Electoral College system, the Constitution
would have to be changed. Could this be another ploy to condition
the American people to the idea that their Constitution is outdated?
Could this be used to condition us to want a
Constitutional Convention?
Killing Democracy?
It isn't hard to see how socialists view the
American Constitution. Socialists such as those at the London Times, which
are now calling for changes.
The Chad Problem:
Fact or Fiction?
By "Reverend Curt Tomlin."
"The so called "CHAD" problem with the count is simply a SMOKE SCREEN,
employed by a very sore looser and in so doing is casting the average American
as a BLOOMING IDIOT." ... OR, is it all a ruse to dismantle the
Bush-Gore Electoral
College Map
So you want to get rid of the Electoral
Dump Electoral College
"... In a democracy, we should respect the will of the people and to me,
that means it's time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the
popular election of our president."
Citizens for a True Democracy
(Link opens in a new browser
The "other side". The name alone should be
the clue as to who's behind the CTD, promoting the abolition of the Electoral
College. They've listed the 2000 Republican electors with contact info to
harrass them. Object - to induce Bush Electors to vote for Gore.
"Matt Grossmann (the name alone
should be the clue) is CTD's Deputy Director for Grassroots
Organizing. He has worked for several years conducting survey research and
voting behavior studies at a California research institute. Matt has also
worked in the public interest community in Washington, DC and in the British
Parliament. Having written extensively on campaign finance reform and
proportional representation, he leads CTD's efforts on reforming the electoral
Keep the Electoral
An article from The Orange County (Calif.)
Register. "Abolishing the college would mean a major overhaul of the
Who Let the Dogs
The Democrats, backed into a corner, attack
the Electoral College.
Related Links:

Note: Many of these files are in PDF format.
You will need the
Adobe Acrobat Reader to read them.
Each link below opens in a new browser window.
Electoral College Information
General Information
Scholarly Opinion
Laws Governing the Election
Historical Documents Congressional Record
The Federalist Papers
Links for More Information