A qualifying comment we must make here is that in some of Lilienthal's writings although he thoroughly exposes the Zionist plan to take a huge chunk of land in the Mid-East he has promulgated the hoax of the Holocaust. He MUST know that the holocaust IS a hoax. My question, then, is "why does he so meticulously document the plans for Greater Israel?"
Maybe it's to take our eyes off the ultimate Zionist goal for World Dominion. The 'greater Israel' is just a jumping off point for them. It keeps our eyes on that small piece of land (small in relation to the whole globe) and meanwhile, the priesthood (and their useful idiots) are busy gobbling up ALL natural resources in ALL countries, and mind-controlling the masses to submit with pleasure.
If we didn't, we should, notice that they already control the governments of most nations today. After all, it is the U.S. government and American soldiers who are doing most of the dirty work for them, isn't it? Killing and dying in defense of the World Order. . . their World Order.
Remember the motto we've seen on billboards and other places since the UN's Habitat II forum: THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL. It's all being done at the local and state levels of government, and today our eyes are REALLY off the ball, aren't they?
As for "anti-Zionist Jews", it all comes back to this: They are born to believe they are the chosen of their god to inherit the world. Until they reject their false-religion -- Talmudism -- and the Talmudic writings per se, including the Torah (Old Testament for the 'Christians'), they will continue to obey their rabbis. Whatever . . .
Each thought I have leads to another and begins a book all over again. What's the difference between a 'Jew' and a 'Judeo-Christian' or a 'Christian Zionist'. -- Jackie --
Alfred Lilienthal
(NOTE: This web page is very long and filled with photos and maps.
Please be patient if it takes extra time for you to view
Greater Israel --
What Does It Really Mean?
The U.S. led war on Iraq... and eventually many other Muslim nations may be part of an Israeli plan to let others die for the goal of its expansion into Greater Israel. Extremist Zionist sympathizers in Bush's administration are the perpetrators of this scheme to have American military men and women die for Israel. See the arguments below for this claim.
Are Arabs and other Muslims really "crazy"
to believe that the War on Iraq may be part of
an Israeli and American "Zionist" plot to
dominate the entire Middle East?
The Federal
From middle column of second page below:
Mr. Lilienthal: Your Majesty a few months ago said that the Arabs do not care if they sacrifice a few million persons in order to put an end to the Zionists in Palestine. His Majesty then said: Frankly what I said is what I urge and preach. It is the only answer to what has been published by the responsible persons of Israel about the necessity that Israel should expand to comprise the beds of the Tigris and Euphrates, the Sinai Peninsula and the northern part of Saudi Arabia, including Medina, which is one of the two Holy Towns and the Burial place of the Moslems Prophet, and which is after all my own land and the land of every Arab and Moslem. We have learned of this Zionist ambition from the statements of Israeli leaders and its creators who pleaded the course yesterday, and are still pleading it today. They are making no secret of this scheme, and they have made its study part of the school curriculum in Israel, where they cram the students heads with these fanciful schemes. There is no answer to what they are after except this antidote, and the preparation of what we can in field of might and force.
To read this quote in context and the entire 1954
interview Page 1 - start of entire interview Page 2 - quote from middle column |
This 1954 quote from King Saud provides an important
insight that Americans and other Westerners rarely hear about as to
why the Arabs, in the early days of Israel in the late 1940s and early 1950s,
made fierce statements about the need for "driving the Jews back into the
Fifty years later, another (very infamous) Arab professes the same view
that Israel intends to rule all the territory from the Nile to the
Do Americans realize that many Arab-Muslims believe they are defending their
own lands and existence -- and not just that of the Palestinian Arabs?
Would we see it as only mindless Bin Laden style "terror" -- if there
was any basis for their claim to need to defend themselves against American
and Israeli plans to conquer the entire Middle East and subdue all
See News and Other Commentary Next
Fair use as described at 17 U.S.C. Section
107. "Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106 and 106A, the fair use
of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or
phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes
such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple
copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement
of copyright.
(1) the purpose and character of
the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for or
nonprofit educational purposes, |
NOTE: To read this entire web page without leaving to
view other outside resources we link to as confirmation, wait until the end
of this entire page and then click to
Greater Israel
page for all the ones below and many additional articles we recommend
at several other websites.
Also, we do not totally agree with everything in a specific outside article
or with controversial material we do not directly link to on those same
websites. Our viewpoint is expressed here and is not always represented
in outside sources.
Bin Laden is wicked and wrong just as the deception and
brutality of Ariel Sharon is inexcusable. Both count as vicious
terrorists. Yet American leaders make Bin Laden's case look valid --
that the U.S. is out to fight for Israel's right to expand and rule the entire
Middle East. What is really going on behind the scenes?
(from an Israeli newspaper that often
U.S. Undersecretary of State
John Bolton said in meetings with Israeli officials on Monday that he has
no doubt America will attack Iraq, and that it will be necessary to deal
with threats from Syria, Iran and North Korea afterwards.
(maybe not that last
part... about North Korea... any time soon)
NOTE: Netanyahu and Sharansky along with Sharon
are all well known for their avowal of the right of settlement and eventual
claim to the West Bank and Gaza as part of Greater Israel -- although Sharon
is currently lying that he is willing to enter into a peace process again
after Iraq and other Arab nations are vanquished by the U.S. military.
Is Bush such a fool, or does he know he is cooperating with these
The man behind the Bush Zionists in U.S. --
Fri Jul 5, 2002 10:53 am
Date: Mon Jul 8, 2002
9:22 am
Profile We have chosen to profile Anatoly Sharansky, the Israeli deputy prime minister and leader of Yisra'el Ba'aliyah, the Russian immigrants' party in Israel, because he encapsulates the paradox of the Jewish inhabitants of Israel, a paradox that is the hallmark of Zionists throughout the world. That is, how can a people that has suffered so much over the ages, from pogroms in Europe to Nazi genocide, emulate their historical oppressors and be so lacking in empathy with their victims, the Palestinian Arabs? (We salute the tiny minority of Jews in Israel and elsewhere who have risked opprobrium by consistently speaking out for Palestinian rights.) Anatoly Sharansky (we shall call him by his birth name, Anatoly, rather than Natan, the name given to him by the Israeli ambassador to West Germany upon his release from prison) was born in Ukraine and educated in Russia as a mathematician. In 1973 he applied for an exit visa to Israel, but, like all Soviet citizens who had worked in the military-industrial complex, he was refused on security grounds. He then became involved in an Israeli-sponsored worldwide campaign to put pressure on the Kremlin to give special treatment to Soviet Jewish citizens by allowing them to emigrate to Israel, irrespective of whether or not they had worked in the defence sector. In 1977 he was arrested on suspicion of spying for the US, and in the following year he was found guilty as charged and sentenced to 13 years imprisonment. He was released in 1986 in a US-Soviet spy exchange. Prior to his emigration to Israel, Sharansky liked to portray himself as a symbol of the struggle for human rights, and since then he has made much of his status as a former "victim of totalitarian oppression". However, his belief in human rights, nurtured at the height of the Cold War, appears to have been heavily tainted with the culture of the Soviet-American power struggle, which justified the cynical use of practically anything as ammunition in the superpower rivalry for global dominance. Unlike most of us, Sharansky apparently does not believe that human rights are universal and indivisible, that is, applicable to all human beings everywhere and irrespective of their race, colour or creed. Not only does he oppose any Israeli concessions that may eventually lead to the realization of the Palestinians' right to self determination, but he advocates policies that could only mean the dispossession of more Palestinians living in Israel, and the illegally occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. No wonder that he was one of the very few people to have amicable relations with the former ultra right-wing prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu. Sharansky began his political career in Israel by becoming head of the Zionist Forum, an organization dedicated to lobbying on behalf of Soviet immigrants. However, not content with being a mere "welfare worker", in 1995 he founded the Yisra'el Ba'aliyah party, with the immediate aim of bringing in another million Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union and of encouraging a further million Jewish citizens of the United States and the European countries to immigrate to Israel. For him, the value of peace with the Palestinians is measured solely by the extent to which it would work towards achieving the overriding goal of encouraging Jewish citizens of other states to immigrate to Israel. Thus, addressing the founding congress of Yisra'el Ba'aliyah in June 1995, he said: "Without the hope for peace, you cannot convince people to come here." That the "ingathering of the Jews", that is, the bringing into Israel and the occupied territories of millions of foreign Jews who, like Sharansky himself, had no link whatsoever to those lands, could only mean the dispossession of more Palestinians from the land of their ancestors is a fact that could hardly have escaped our human rights hero. Or perhaps, having been brought up in a society where ideology and the class struggle dictated one's view of life and where all conflicts were seen as a zero-sum game, with victors and vanquished, be they a class or a superpower, he was blinded by his own ideology, Zionism. For almost in the same breath as reiterating his commitment to the "ingathering" of millions of foreign Jews, Sharansky is perfectly at ease with publicly objecting to any hint of allowing Palestinians to take up residence in the territories administered by the Palestinian National Authority or to the right of refugees to return to those territories, even if they had families living there. Indeed, the impact of the Soviet system on Sharansky's mind appears to have gone much deeper. Thus, like the Soviet habit of remoulding the history books to suit themselves, our human rights hero insists that any Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories should be made contingent on, among other things, the Palestinians rewriting their school books "to remove all language that denies the legitimacy of Israel and Zionism". In other words, Palestinian children should be taught that their uprooting from the land of their forefathers by foreigners from the former Soviet Union, Europe and the United States was perfectly legitimate. Sharansky resigned as Israeli interior minister in former Prime Minister Ehud Barak's government over rumours that Barak was contemplating some trivial "concessions" over Jerusalem, territory and the refugees at the Camp David talks with Palestinian leaders in July 2000. But, judging by the unpopularity among Israelis of making any concessions to the people they had uprooted, and given his solid support among the Russian immigrants, Sharansky must now have his vision firmly fixed on the position of Israeli prime minister. In the meantime, it would do him well to learn from the history of his Slav cousins in the Balkans. For while the Zionists have the dubious honour of being the twentieth century's first ethnic cleansers, Sharansky's kith and kin in the Balkans (let us not forget that our human rights hero is a Russian, albeit of the Jewish religion), have taken that tradition to its logical conclusion, with tragic consequences for themselves and their victims. His blind ambition aside, Sharansky has a responsibility to his compatriots and co-religionists in Israel because, as in the Balkans, the burden of history weighs heavily on the shoulders of the indigenous people of Palestine whose continuing misfortunes are unlikely to let them forget the architects of their plight. As a Russian, Sharansky should know more than anyone else that great powers, even nuclear ones, come and go and that the fall can be sudden and cruel. But, with his contradictions and double standards, our human rights hero is unlikely to learn anything. Rather, when the time comes to write his obituary Anatoly Sharansky will most probably be remembered as Israel's great Russian dissembler, with his years as a so-called "human rights campaigner" not warranting even a footnote. NOTE: This is the man behind the nonsense of Bush's promotion campaign for "democracy" in the Arab world. Is it little wonder that "the Arab street" and some Arab leaders suspect that the real goal is the expansion of Greater Israel?
Greater Israel
(the grander view)
The Israel of Theodore Herzl (1904)
and of Rabbi Fischmann (1947)
In his Complete Diaries, Vol. II. p. 711, Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, says that the area of the Jewish State stretches: "From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates."
Rabbi Fischmann, member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared in his testimony to the U.N. Special Committee of Enquiry on 9 July 1947: "The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon."NOTE: Sometimes the term Nile to the Euphrates is used, whereas the Brook of Egypt may be another lesser waterway about 100 miles East of the Nile. Either way, it adds up to the confiscation of a huge amount of Arab territory.
Selections from
Translated and edited by
Israel Shahak
(Concentration camp survivor and anti-Zionist Jew)
In 1982 Shahak wrote the following commentary on the Israeli policy text
he translated into English. Note that the main schemer then was Ariel
Sharon whose invasion of Lebanon was part of this plan for division and conquest
of the entire Arab world. Sharon is now again in power but has used
American Zionist sympathizers like Perle and Wolfowitz to have the U.S. military
carry out his scheme for the ultimate establishment of Greater
These men are not reprehensible because they happen to be Jews. Many
American Jews oppose both the war against Iraq and Israel's cruel occupation
of the West Bank and Gaza. These men may be guilty of questionable
loyalties that appear to place the interests of Israel above the security
of the United States. It is not their religious or ethnic group that
is being questioned. It is their political and military influence upon
Bush apparently due to a fanatical commitment to Zionism that is at issue.
(more on this topic soon -- sign up on our Home
Zionists who practiced brutal conquest --
See their photos and confessions next.
Here is an example of an ultra-Zionist who preached and
practiced this doctrine that King Saud opposed. Just in case we think
such ideas are no longer honored by extremists in Israel, this biography
is from a Zionist website that honors
Stern -- a well-known killer whose "Stern Gang"
perpetrated massacres and assassinations during the period leading up to
the creation of the State of Israel. Many Arab leaders knew exactly
what plans for bloody conquest of their own homelands Zionist fanatics like
this intended.
The new coalition government that Sharon recently established contains many
open advocates of the "ethnic cleansing" (so-called transfer) of all Palestinians
from the West Bank and Gaza. What would the world say if Bush made
a coalition government in the U.S. with the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis who
would fiercely advocate the deportation of all non-whites from American soil?
The ultra-Zionists in the Israeli government right now consider these racist
murderers below to be heros.
Also, the settlements Sharon originally encouraged many
years ago and Sharansky has more recently promoted are mostly populated by
vicious fanatics who believe in the Greater Israel scheme and are prepared
to annihilate Palestinians and other Arabs to bring it about. These
too are their great heros.
National Revival Principles
We are unknown soldiers,
uniforms we have none, |
Do these Zionist fanatics sound any less
fanatical than Bin Laden?
Is it only a "crazy Arab" notion that some Zionists then and now
have intended to eventually conquer most of the Muslim world?
Zvi Greenberg sits on the Temple Mount with liberating Israeli
One Truth and Not Two by Uri Zvi Greenberg (interpreted from Hebrew by Laurence Cramer)
Rabbis taught: A land is bought with money
is the only ruler here. |
Here is some information about how Zionist extremists
and their American Christian supporters are working together to create chaos
and bloodshed and may thus be engaging in a self-fulfilling prophesy of a
great Armageddon. Consider President Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft
in on this dangerous and deluded scheme. The American ultra-Zionists
who are influencing them are Richard Perle, William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz,
Eliot Abrams, and others who appear to place their loyalty to Israel above
the true interests of the United States. Our men and women in the U.S.
military are being sent to fight and die for Israel to be safe from Arab
countries that are concerned about Israeli designs upon their own nation's
soil. In the process, many innocents on both sides of this conflict
will perish needlessly. This below is the mentality behind our current
events. The Muslim claim of a Zionist-Christian "crusade" does not
sound so absurd if we know the facts often unrevealed by our usual
Btzedek Volume
1, Number 2
Christian Fundamentalist And Jewish Orthodox
Cults Plots Destruction Of Al Aqsa Mosque For three decades, Gershon Solomon, a militant Israeli who heads an organization dedicated to the destruction of Jerusalem's most holy Islamic shrine, has led Zionist zealots in armed assaults on the Muslim grounds of Haram al-Sharif, or Noble Sanctuary, that encloses both the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque. No Israeli political leader has spoken out against the assaults on the Mosque, holy to a billion Muslims around the world. Moreover, no Israeli rabbi has condemned them. Indeed, beginning in 1967, many of the assaults were led by Jewish rabbis.
first heard about the Israeli militants' intent to destroy the mosque in
1979 when I went to Jerusalem. I talked at length with Bobby Brown, a
third-generation American from Brooklyn, flying to the Jewish state and instantly
became a new citizen, confiscated land from Palestinians to help build an
illegal Jewish settlement. "The mosque," he told me, "has got to go.
It is a blot in our land."
Jews, such as Stanley Goldfoot, one of the perpetrators of the dynamiting
in 1946 of the King David Hotel which killed some 100 Christian, Muslim and
Jewish civilians, want the mosque destroyed for political reasons. Other
Jews believe that the building of the temple on the Muslim grounds will usher
in the Jewish Messiah. A growing number of Christians embrace the idea that
in all history, Israel is on the center stage. They say God has planned epochs
of time ("dispensations") such as the "in-gathering of the Jews in the ancient
land of Canaan. One epoch, they say, includes the present time when Jews
are obligated to build a Jewish temple and re-institute animal sacrifice,
Such epochs or "dispensations" are necessary, they say before Christ can
while Christian dispensationalists place Israel as the most important nation
in all the world, they do not respect or even like Jews- as Jews. Yet, because
they believe Christ can only land in a "safe" area near Jerusalem, they make
a cult of the land. They thus give total, unquestioned support to
and Solomon are welcome in countless U.S. pulpits, where Christian Zionists
give generous donations of money, as well as their gold wedding rings and
gold earrings to finance the mosque's destruction. They know its destruction
might well trigger wars culminating in Armageddon, but they welcome this.
They push Armageddon along, saying they, as "Born Again Christians," will
be spared any suffering, because they will be "Raptured," wafted up into
heaven to view the slaughter below.
"I am not
worried," Lynchburg, Virginia televangelist Jerry Falwell shouts. "You know
why? I ain't gonna be here!" This dispensationalist doctrine, less then 200
years old, pervades Assemblies Of God, Pentecostal and other charismatic
churches, as well as the 16 million-member Southern Baptist Convention and
countless so-called Bible churches and mega-churches.
We will soon have a Memorial page
1923-2000 |
Not all Zionist warriors had quite so vast a conquest in mind as Egypt to Iraq. This is the "map" the Irgun, headed by later Prime Minister Menachem Begin, saw as representing the territory they were to seize from the Arab inhabitants. Begin took part in "terror" activities such as the bombing of the King David Hotel and massacres of Arab villagers. Albert Einstein and other Jews who opposed viciousness condemned the behavior of Begin and others like him. Christian Fundamentalist preacher Jerry Falwell also became a great buddy to Begin and continues to promote other Zionists today who call for "ethnic cleansing" of the West Bank which Falwell refers to as Judea and Samaria.
Greater Israel
(the lesser views)
Rak Kach
Emblem of the Irgun which shows all of Palestine
and Transjordan as the conquest goal in the late 1940s.
This is the Israeli coin that some Arabs seem to see
having the image of a map of the grander
"Greater Israel," although, if it is a map at all, it would appear
to be more like the Irgun emblem.
See below an account of how an American discovered that
Palestinians in Gaza do believe in Israeli intentions to conquer from the
Nile to the Euphrates. Why would these oppressed people not suspect Zionist
plots that might appear to us as "paranoid" unless we realize the very real
fears behind them? Are these Palestinians crazy, or do they know the
long history of Zionist schemes which rarely is revealed in our U.S. media?
An American in Gaza
See link below to read the entire report I'm not sure what conclusions to draw from these experiences. Life is very bad here. It seems that the daily hardship and humiliation these people suffer at the hands of the Israelis can only lead to hopelessness. And people with nothing to lose are much more likely to take drastic measures than people who feel secure. I have met many people here who condemn the operations against Israel. Everyone I've met here says they want peace, that all they want is the right to live freely in their own land, that 60 years ago Jews, Christians, and Muslims all lived here together peacefully. Everyone I've met has told me that they believe this land is for all the people of the world to share. People here ask me what else they can do when everything they have tried has failed. I don't know what to tell them. The situation seems hopeless. The ten agorot coin is the smallest value coin in circulation in Palestine and Israel. When I first saw this coin, before anyone told me what it was, I thought the image engraved on the back was a map with a menorah superimposed over it. Many Palestinians believe that this image is a map of the biblical land of Israel, a map of all the land from the Euphrates to the Nile, two-thirds of Iraq, all of Jordan, most of Lebanon, all of the Sinai Peninsula, and of course all of the West Bank and Gaza. Every Palestinian I have asked about the image has told me this. Yasser Arafat always used to carry these coins with him as evidence of Israel's expansion plans. The designer of the coin claims that this is not a map at all, that it is simply the outline of an ancient Judean coin, the smooth edges of which had worn away centuries ago. Any resemblance to a map, we are told, is purely coincidental. Even if the designer did not intend for this image to be interpreted as a map, it seems strange to me that no one bothered to see if Palestinians would find the image on the coin offensive before putting it into circulation. But it's not so strange really. Even if this coin isn't proof of Zionist expansion plans, it is definitely evidence of the State of Israel's insensitivity to the needs of Palestinians. Only a year ago the five agorot coin was taken out of circulation because the Israeli currency is declining so rapidly. Two years ago, the New Israeli Sheqel was worth about 33 cents. Today, it is worth just a little over 20 cents, a decline of over 30%. There are 100 Agorot in a sheqel. So this coin that has generated so much controversy is worth only about two cents today. About the only thing it can buy is a small piece of candy for a child. In fact, children are the only people I have ever seen spending one of these coins. When I arrived here a month ago, the exchange rate was 4.7 sheqels to the US Dollar. Now it is 4.9. Soon the ten agorot coin will be as worthless as its predecessors and will be taken out of circulation as well. If only the ideas it represents to so many people would lose currency as easily.
Below is map of (the pink areas) where current
extremist Zionists are telling Jews worldwide to come to live even if it
means driving all Arabs out. This area actually goes well beyond present
Palestinian territory (the West Bank and Gaza) into a wider intended Israel
that includes areas already returned in peace accords like the Sinai to Egypt
after the 1967 war. Recruiting new Jewish immigrants worldwide to resettle
some of these areas would mean a new war to reoccupy them.
You need this land and it needs you, many of you.
Millions of new Jews pouring into Israel will fill up its empty
guarantee the retention of all the liberated lands of
Judea, Samaria, Golan, Gaza, and Sinai;
assure a vast Jewish majority; add Western democratic
and technical skills to the land.
Eretz Yisrael will never again be lost to us!
(from the ahavat-israel.com site --
appeal for Jews to come to settle areas above)
NOTE: The Sinai would have to be reoccupied
to do this.
This image of the grander "Greater Israel"
is the only one presently on a Zionist site in English. The implication
is that this may happen not necessary as a political or military objective
but perhaps after the Jewish "Messiah." The map, however, is very clear
that these Zionists see themselves as eventual rulers of most Arab
Greater Israel Map In Hebrew
Does this image make it clear enough
that what the Arabs and other Muslims have claimed,
about schemes for Israeli expansionism, is actually
a valid concern and not baseless craziness?
These other "Greater Israel" images are at anti-Zionist
that make the accusation of Israeli conquest plans.
Israel's Grand Design:
Leaders Crave Area from Egypt to
by John Mitchell
NOTE: The late John Henshaw was chief legman for columnist Drew Pearson, who later broke with Pearson. At that time, Henshaws expenses were paid by the Anti-Defamation League, a lobby for Israel, which had a "special relationship" with Pearson. Thus Henshaws Middle East insights are unique.
A Historical Perspective from
Israel Plans Britzkrieg
to Capture Arab Oil Fields
Operation Shekhinah -- February 2002
by Joe Vialls
If there is any validity to Mr. Vialls claim -- it would appear that ultra-Zionist sympathizers in Bush's administration have now seen to it that American men and women military persons will be the ones to fight and die for Israel's need for oil and expansion plans into Greater Israel.
Is there any independent confirmation of King
Saud's and Bin Laden's claim (if the reported tape is actually from
him) of this grander Zionist scheme for taking over the entire Middle
East as Greater Israel? Note that Saud claimed this was being taught in Israeli
schools back in 1954.
An Honorable American Witness
1974 -- now deceased
Edwin Wright was born in Iran of missionary parents and
knew the area well. He also studied Hebrew, and when assigned to the
Near East issues at the U.S. State Department during the Truman years,
he went to Palestine to find out for himself what was really going
on. Here are some of his findings as given in his "Oral History" interview
for the Truman Library.
I made a special study of Zionism, and I talked with as many people as I could find who were the leaders of the Zionist community. I interviewed Golda Meir at that time; she was then labor secretary. I had conversations with Reuven Zaslani, who later was called Shiloah (all these people changed their names later on); Dov Joseph, who became the mayor of Jerusalem during the war; and Teddy Kolleck. I made a special effort to meet them, talk with them, and find out what Zionism is; what it stands for. I also found that there was a school in Tel Aviv, known as the Gymnasia Herzliya. It was the training school in which most of the modern leaders of Israel had gone; Moshe Dyan and others. I talked with a number of the teachers and professors there. I felt that this was a school dedicated to inculcating and indoctrinating [Theodor] Herzl's ideas into the minds of the young Jews in Palestine. [See: Moshe Menuhin, The Decadence of Judaism in our Times, Exposition Banner Book, 1965. He was a graduate of this school.] At that time many of Herzl's writings were not yet translated into English. In fact, they were not translated until 1952, so no one had really any easy access to this material unless he knew German or Hebrew. I don't know either one of these very well. I studied some German and some Hebrew, but I talked with the people who were the professors there and also got to know Edwin Samuel, the son of Lord Samuel who was the first High Commissioner of Palestine. With Edwin Samuel, I made trips all through the kubbutzim. We spent several days at Ein Geb, Mishmar Ha-Emek, and at various other of the kubbutzim. During this period I became convinced that Americans didn't know what Zionism was at all. The material was not in English. There was very little of it known to America, and I came to the conclusion that it was a very dangerous type of philosophy of living. What I found out was that Herzl had taught that all the Jews of the world should go to Israel. This was the idea that dominated the Yishuv (the Yishuv means the Jewish community of Palestine) and even Ben Gurion, who was at that time Secretary of the Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency was a shadow government. It already was a government of Israel; simply waiting for the veil to be pulled and it would emerge. It had all the functions of government. I found their ideas were that all Jews should leave the Gentile world. This is in Herzl: "Gentiles hate Jews, they are going to destroy the Jewish world." It's a paranoic view of things. The only way Judaism can be saved is for the Jews to leave the Gentile world completely; to go to a Jewish state, as Herzl put it in his book. There they would rule themselves and be able to get away from the hatred of the Gentile world. The Gentiles are out to destroy Judaism. [See: Theodore Herzl, The Jewish State, N.Y., 1943. Diaries in II Volumes] I did not believe this. I think it's a false concept of society, and especially false of American society. Nevertheless, this is the foundation of Zionist thinking. The second step was that this Jewish state must be in Palestine. This is the sacred home of the people; its literature was developed there, and their attitude was that Judaism cannot survive in any other place except Palestine itself. That's where it grew and germinated, and it's got to get back there in order to save itself. Otherwise, Jews are going to assimilate in other countries. Herzl himself made the statement that, when the Jewish state is set up, if a Jew does not go to live in it he is anti-Semitic because he chooses to live with Gentiles rather than live with Jews which are his real community. I got all these ideas through talking with people who were Zionists. The third step in Zionism was that they must have large enough a state in order to keep the whole Jewish population there. At that time there were about fourteen million Jews, and now that meant owning a very large territory. It is not brought out in Zionist propaganda in America, but what they claim is all the territory from the Suez Canal clear north to the mountains of Cappadocia, in southern Turkey. [Statement by Herzl. Also see Numbers 34; Genesis 15:18, Joshua 13, II Samuel 8:5-6.} It includes all of Lebanon, much of Syria, Jordan, and Sinai. This is the territory they call "Eretz Israel," the land of Israel, which is mentioned in the Bible. Furthermore, in the Bible you will find the boundaries of "Eretz Israel" as given by God. There are several places these are found, Numbers, the 34th Chapter and so forth. One of the men whom I discussed this with was Rabbi Meyer Berlin, the Chief Rabbi in the Mizrachi group. These are the ultra-orthodox group, who accept the Old Testament literally. Everything that it says is exactly just as it's described.
This means from the Nile to the Euphrates
-- |
See Edwin Wright's complete interview statement:
Truman listened to Clark Clifford and other ignorant people who never
cared to find out the facts as Ed Wright did. Truman later covered up his
own blame by calling good men in the State Department like Wright:
Arabist anti-Semites. President Truman could have known the truth and protected
the Palestinians and other Arabs if he had listened to Secretary of State
George Marshall and other advisors who told him not to sponsor and recognize
a "Jewish" state based on racial and religious discrimination toward
non-Jews. Instead, Truman foolishly listened to Zionist American schemers
like Abraham Feinberg who raised the initial money for Truman's 1948 re-election
campaign. This disgraceful conduct by an American President has been
repeated in one form or another by many American leaders since. Read
about the showdown between Clifford and Marshall at this link to see how
a half century of horror in the Middle East could have been
Remembering General George
Clash With Clark Clifford
Over Premature Recognition of Israel
By Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal
June 1999
NOTE: General and now Secretary of State Colin
Powell has called George Marshall the greatest Man of War and the greatest
Man of Peace that America has ever known. Let us hope that Powell and
others now will find the honor and courage of Marshall and to refuse to support
any of President Bush's future wars against other Mideast nations.
Will even
more innocent Americans and Arabs
(beyond what is already happening in Iraq)
-- as well as Jews in Israel and the U.S.
who oppose extremist Zionism --
now die because we have been denied
the facts for over 50 years?
Read now this important article
by former Congressman Paul Findley:
Liberating America From Israel
Greater Israel
All the references on this web page
and many other articles we recommend.
to Israel
A Jewish Defector
The Zionist
State (Harbinger of
The Kol
Purim: What's
It All About?
Untermeyer's Speech
Israel: The Jewel-Box
of the World
The Cost
of "Occupied" Israel to the American
The Finest
Senate Money Can Buy
Lobby Slips Anti-Israel Speech Bill Through U.S. House of
Oscar Levy, a Jew,
Admits His People's
"Coningsby' - An Excerpt
The Ship
Firm Buys U.N. Plaza
Israeli Extremists
and Christian Fundamentalists - The
Lobby to Reckon With: Pro-Israel Christian Zionists
Wants U.S. to Pressure
Israel: What Does It Really
American Murdered
by Israeli Soldier
Rachel Corrie's
E-mails Home
Four Eye-witnesses
Describe the Murder of Rachel
Corrie Rachael Corrie's Memorial Service Disrupted by Israeli Army The Guardian - UK: "Israeli forces fired teargas and stun grenades yesterday in an attempt to break up a memorial service for Rachel Corrie, the American peace activist killed by an army bulldozer in Gaza on Sunday."
Rachael Corrie's
mom speaks up and out
- The Secret Arsenal of the Jewish
Professor: 'We Could Destroy All European
What Christians
Don't Know About Israel
Jewish Calendar
for Soldiers
and Sailors
Tell a Joke, Go
to Jail
Order > From the President of the United States
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