This is part of the "No Child
Left Behind Act" of 2001. This is serious and should have been posted last
year when we received it. Please forgive our lapse in time.
When the draft is reinstituted
they'll be drafting young women as well as the young men. As we all know,
time passes quickly. Remember: The young men and women in the army today
-- who've been to Afghanistan and are now in Iraq and being prepared to invade
Iran and Syria -- who are getting killed, dying from 'unknown causes', committing
suicide, and leaving the country (going AWOL) after being there for a while,
not to mention the sexual assaults on the females. . . all of them were as
young as six years old during the first Gulf War (1991).
They intend for this war to
go on endlessly, and they intend to use your children as their cannon fodder.
The obvious first step is: do NOT allow your child to register. Although
we are told "It's the LAW!", evidence points to the contrary. The focal issue
for those who do not register is that they will never be able to apply for
financial aide/grants from Benevolent Big Brother U.S. Government, Inc.
Many states today have passed
laws that require the draft registration along with the "privilege" of getting
a driver's license. You should check with your state representative and ask
for the specific law (if there is one) that has implemented that process.
I do not ever want to be in
a position with your precious babies to say "I told you so", or "I wish you
would have listened". I guess I would never say it, and if it should come
about because you refuse to listen, it wouldn't need to be said. You'd know
it, and then it would/could be too late.
-- Jackie --
Watch out for this school note
Paul Vitello
March 30, 2004
The various notices from the school pour into our house daily like some
slot machine jackpot of pre-sorted mail. Some days, it's one or two pieces.
Some weeks, it seems like hundreds - announcing board meetings, PTA meetings,
book sales, sports schedules, bus schedules, interim grades, yearbook pictures,
invitations, permission slips, health notices...
It is a wide and deep river of paper, and in the currents it would be
easy to miss the school notification required under Sec. 9528 of the No Child
Left Behind Act of 2001.
Think of this notification as the dangerous undertow in the river of
paper from your local schools.
It is the one required under the "Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students"
section of the "No Child" law. It says that school officials are required
to turn over to U.S. military recruiters the names, addresses and phone numbers
of every child - male and female - enrolled in the ninth, 10th, 11th and
12 grades of your school system.
The school notice will inform you of this, and offer you a Do Not Call
option whereby your child's name can be withheld from the list. If you do
nothing, the recruiters may call day or night, and say what they will about
the opportunities awaiting your child in the armed forces.
If that is not your idea of child guidance, you have to sign a form.
The form will say something like, "I am requesting that my child's name,
address and telephone number NOT be released to U.S. military
By all rights, the form should really say, "Please do not sell my child's
name to the U.S. military so they can contact him or her without my permission
The word "sell" is the proper word.The schools get money for turning
over the names of your children.
To put the onus where it belongs, any school that does not turn over
those names risks losing its federal funding under the law. For some schools,
that means a lot of money.
So far, no schools around here have balked.
"They all know what the [No Child Left Behind] act is about," said Capt.
Todd Kickbusch, commander of Army recruiting on Long Island, "and they have
all been forthcoming with the information."
An informal survey indicates that between 20 percent and 30 percent
of the parents in some schools ask to have their childrens' names
Whether the rest are comfortable with recruiters calling their kids
- or whether the rest just happened to miss that opt-out notification form
that arrived in the mail one day last fall - is anybody's guess.
"There is an ongoing discussion here about when the best time is for
mailing these notices out," said Robert Schilling, executive director for
administration and human resources at Massapequa High School.
Some Massapequa officials thought the Armed Forces Recruiter notice
should be included in the large packet mailed to each student in late summer.
This includes each child's course schedule, the name of his or her new guidance
counselor, and other information that officials thought students and their
parents would be sure to read. Others thought the recruitment notice should
be sent under separate cover.
For now, said Schilling, it's sent in the late summer packet. If parents
complain of having missed it, that may change.
Middle-class communities are not the ones I worry about, though.
Parents with jobs and higher education tend to imagine other options
than the military for their kids. The schools that will sell the highest
numbers of their kids to the recruiters under Sec. 9528 are the poor ones.
Bay Shore and Brentwood have already lost young men to the wars over there.
Let whoever wants to join the military go down to a recruiting office
and sign up. Let him or her be 18.
But if you do not want military recruiters calling your house while
you are at work, and while your 16-year-old is perhaps playing some PlayStation
war game, imagining him or herself as a master of tank maneuvering, keep
an eye peeled for that notification from your school.
It will come in a pre-sorted envelope, and it's warning you about plans
for the pre-sorting of your kid.
Copyright (c) 2004, Newsday, Inc.
This article originally appeared at:,0,93188.column
So... You Want
to Go to War? - Introduction
Introduction by Jackie Patru
"Are you sure? You're willing to risk your life for. . . what? For whom?
Your country needs you? To do what? To massacre innocent, defenseless people?
Why? Is your country at risk? Or do you have your country confused with the
corporation in Washington, D.C... the U.S. Government, Inc.? Are you willing
to forfeit your life and possibly your soul in blind obedience to the government?
Are you willing to become a human guinea pig to the Military/ Industrial/
Pharmaceutical complex? You will ... if you go to war.
Watch out
for this school note: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
It is a wide and deep river of paper,
and in the currents it would be easy to miss the school notification required
under Sec. 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Think of this
notification as the dangerous undertow in the river of paper from your local
schools. It is the one required under the "Armed Forces Recruiter Access
to Students" section of the "No Child" law.
We have assembled the items below into two
categories. Those that are now a part of human history, and those incidents
that fathers, mothers, sons, daughers, brothers, and sisters are currently
living. Our purpose is to compare the abuses of our men and women in uniform
from the past, to the present day reality that nothing has changed.
Think long and hard about whether to send your
children off to war. For whom, and what purpose, will you allow your children
to spill their blood?
An unblinking look in words and images at the reality of warefare.
From an excellent website called the Memory Hole.
U.S. Admits
It Tested Nerve Gas on It's Sailors
The Guardian "The US has admitted
that it deliberately sprayed nerve gas on its sailors in the 1960s as part
of a series of tests... The Pentagon started releasing the previously classified
information... after being pushed by a Democrat congressman from California,
Mike Thompson. [who said] "We now know that our military personnel were
exposed to Sarin gas and VX nerve agent, which are both lethal, and other
agents that are known carcinogens."
Hundreds Died of
Cancer After DU Bombing
ABC News "Cases of cancer have
been reported among Italian, Belgian, French, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese
soldiers who served a peacekeepers in Bosnia and Kosovo... Some of the victims
had worn flak jackets made from shells with depleted uranium (DU), he told
Reuters in an interview."
USS Liberty
- Did Israel Commit One War Crime to Hide
By James M. Ennes, Jr. - Survivor: "When the Liberty was attacked,
Captain Joseph Tully in the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga received the ship's
call for help and immediately sent jet aircraft to her assistance. Tully's
jets were recalled almost immediately by orders from Washington. As a result,
American jet fighter support was withheld for more than 90 minutes. By then
the damage was done and 34 men were dead or dying."
To Investigate Israel's 1967 Attack on USS
Wisconsin state legislator, Marlin Schneider, was very naive when he agreed
to sponsor a resolution calling for an investigation into the murder of U.S.
sailors on orders of the Israeli government. He was sacked as assistant
Democratic leader, removed from a leadership position and warned to: "beware
of massive political contributions against me and even potential
Sergeant Dead From Anthrax
Retired Air Force LTC Redmond Handy, who resigned his officer's commission
rather than participate in what he calls a "terrible crime against our men
and women in uniform," warned "there are others currently at risk because
of this flawed vaccine. I'm afraid SGT Larson's death won't be the last,"
he told "When will the Pentagon end this
"Police Action" - American Soldiers
From our How Wars Are
Made section
"The enemy then contacted and relayed these battle plans to their communist
forces in the field. The enemy knew when to move from an area and when to
attack our smaller fighting forces. They knew beforehand when we were coming
and how many of us there were. They knew everything about us all the time
24 hours a day!!!" |
Eyes Mass Graves (for U.S.
From our Iraq
Denver Post: "The bodies of U.S. soldiers killed by chemical or biological
weapons in Iraq or future wars may be bulldozed into mass graves and burned
to save the lives of surviving troops, under an option being considered by
the Pentagon."
Talk of War
No Deterrent for Some Looking to Military
NY Times "Mr. Moran's former
school friends also had something else to say in light of the military buildup
in the Middle East: They said, "'Oh yeah, you're going to go die over there,'
" he recalled. "But I was going to die over here, too, So it doesn't really
matter. As a teenager, it's more of a risk to be in the streets."
Undergoes Rapid Military Expansion" - Who Will Protect
USA Today "The United States
is rapidly increasing its military ties with nations large and small, thanks
to the war on terrorism. . . "Overall, the American military global presence
is more pervasive today than at any point in American history,": John Pike,
military analyst in Washington. . . A recent Pentagon paper identifies vital
American security interests in almost every part of the globe, with the notable
exception of Africa.
Sues Military Over Extended Service
"This lawsuit seeks to stop the forced retention of men and women who have
fulfilled their service obligations. When their period of enlistment ends,
they should be entitled to return to their families", said attorney Michael
Sorgen. The "stop loss'' order means soldiers who otherwise could leave when
their commitments expire will be compelled to remain until the end of a year-long
overseas deployment and up to another 90 days after returning to their home
in Iraq, then mistreated, neglected, and hidden in
Go ahead, guys and gals, sign up! Join the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, or Air
Force. Join the National Guard so you can be sent to Europe to disarm the
Bosnians. Become an Iraqi 'Liberator', so you can kill and die for the New
World Order.
Unfit Soldiers
Returned to War
Guardian, UK
"A stretched Pentagon is sending unfit soldiers back to Iraq long before
they are ready to serve again. Soldiers went to war with chronic illnesses
such as coronary disease, mental illness, arthritis, diabetes and the nervous
condition, Tourette's syndrome, or after undergoing recent surgery."
Soldier Suicides
in Iraq Increase
Associated Press
"A U.S. commander warned troops Thursday to watch their friends because
suicides are on the rise."
to Recall Former Military
From our
"The Army is preparing to notify about 5,600 retired and discharged
soldiers who are not members of the National Guard or Reserve
that they will be involuntarily recalled to active duty for possible
service in Iraq or Afghanistan...."
Army forces 50,000 soldiers into extended duty
The U.S. Army has forced about 50,000 soldiers
to continue serving after their voluntary stints ended under a policy called
"stop-loss," but while some dispute its fairness, court challenges have fallen
flat. ...With yearlong tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, some soldiers can be
forced to stay in the Army an extra 18 months.
of US troops evacuated from Iraq for unexplained medical
From our Iraq
September 2003
"At no point in the last six months have the American people been told that
for every soldier who has been killed in Iraq, at least another 15 have fallen
so ill that they had to be flown back to the United States."
Iraq War
Vets Struggle to Adjust to Lost Limbs, Flashbacks
"Unlike the young draftees of earlier wars, many
of these men and women are older, with families. For them, this morphing
from a fighting machine ducking bullets into a mommy or daddy packing school
lunches presents a special challenge. This time the government tapped the
National Guard and the Reserve to augment regular forces. Some
returnees-proportionately many more than in Vietnam-have left limbs and slices
of sanity on an urban battlefield as strange as the Iraq war itself."
Uranium: Dirty Bombs, Dirty Missiles, Dirty Bullets
"...eight out of 20 men who served in one unit
in 2003 U.S. in Iraq now have malignancies. ... 40% of the soldiers in that
unit have developed malignancies in just 16 months. targets the DNA.
Marion Fulk, a nuclear physical chemist retired from the Livermore Nuclear
Weapons Lab and formerly involved with the Manhattan Project, interprets
the new and rapid malignancies in soldiers from the 2003 war as 'spectacular
... and a matter of concern'."
Video: Veteran Who Served in Iraq Tells of U.S.
Jesse McBeth is with a group called Iraq Vets
Against the War. In this video, he tells of the horrors being committed against
the Iraqi people. Jesse says the people being called "insurgents" and "the
enemy" in Iraq are only trying to protect their families against the
invaders. |
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