We're posting this item first, as it gives an over-view of the disparity between the TIME article of 1974 in which scientists are promulgating the fear of another ICE AGE. In that article, the crazy weather patterns -- droughts, floods, fluctuating high and low temperatures, etc. are explained by an alleged drop in temperatures worldwide.
Then, just 30 years later, in March, 2006 TIME's cover article titled, "Be Worried, be Very Worried" blamed the same crazy weather patterns on scientific "evidence" that GLOBAL WARMING is about to destroy the world. In that article, the author claimed that scientists had been warning about the warming threat for "decades". Okay, guys, which is it? ICE AGE or GLOBAL WARMING? True climate change is a very, very slow but steady process.
DO REMEMBER that weather modification has admittedly (by the U.N., military, etc.) been used since the 1970's. If the truth were known, it probably began much, much earlier. Today, HAARP technology can "roil up the ionosphere like the sun does " -- as one HAARP employee stated in a video interview. They shoot the intense beam into the ionosphere and bounce it back to planet earth -- aimed to hit a particular area -- causing Heaven only knows what destruction.
One physicist (in the video mentioned) claimed that they know not what they do. She described the ionosphere as a "bubble" surrounding the earth. Since the earth rotates, the intense wave beamed into the ionosphere could, she said, literally rip holes in the ionosphere. The video is titled: "Are There Holes in Heaven?"
The United Nations' ENMOD Treaty - 1978 - describes just some of the then known results of weather modification:
Article II"As used in Article I, the term "environmental modification techniques" refers to any technique for changing -- through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes -- the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.
"It is the understanding of the Committee that the following examples are illustrative of phenomena that could be caused by the use of environmental modification techniques as defined in Article II of the Convention: earthquakes, tsunamis; an upset in the ecological balance of a region; changes in weather patterns (clouds, precipitation, cyclones of various types and tornadic storms); changes in climate patterns; changes in ocean currents; changes in the state of the ozone layer; and changes in the state of the ionosphere.
"It is further understood that all the phenomena listed above, when produced by military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques, would result, or could reasonably be expected to result, in widespread, long-lasting or severe destruction, damage or injury. Thus, military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques as defined in Article II, so as to cause those phenomena as a means of destruction, damage or injury to another State Party, would be prohibited."
"It is the understanding of the Committee that, for the purposes of this Convention, the terms, "widespread", "long-lasting" and "severe" shall be interpreted as follows:
(a) "widespread": encompassing an area on the scale of several hundred square kilometres;(b) "long-lasting": lasting for a period of months, or approximately a season;
(c) "severe": involving serious or significant disruption or harm to human life, natural and economic resources or other assets.
SO. . . the signators to the treaty are prohibited from "hostile use" of weather modification techniques against another "state"/nation, (as though that means something anyway). It does not specifically prohibit the hostile use to kill people and relocate those who survive; to destroy homes and property; to gain more power and control over the people within a select country.
IF the arctic ice IS melting, it is undoubtedly the use of today's technology. The HAARP antennae are directional, whereby every single one can be "aimed" at a specific target. Is it possible they're aiming at the North Pole? Alan Watt, who lives about 600 miles north of the American/Canadian border, considers this a possibility/probability as last year they experienced 115 degree temperatures. He said they would be right in the path of those beams, which could explain the anomalous heat that far north. Heaven help us, please!
-- Jackie --
Monday, June 26th, 2006
Sunday, April 2, 2006
Time & global warming
By Bill Steigerwald,
Six years of drought in Africa. Killer floods in Japan. Crop failures in Canada and Russia.
Average temperatures out of whack. Dramatic changes in polar ice caps. Animals populations threatened with extinction. Top scientists warning of a coming global catastrophe. Our whole fragile blue planet in certain peril because of the junk being pumped into the atmosphere by evil humans.
These horrors sound like they were ripped from the pages of "Be Worried. Be Very Worried," the special report on global warming served up last week by Time magazine. Good guess, but not quite.
The above list comes from Time, all right. But it's the issue of June 24, 1974 -- the one that included a big article on the new ice age that "a growing number of scientists" were sure was already happening and would soon have serious if not devastating global consequences.
READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=4714
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Relevant Links
Weather Modification, Inc.
Weather Modification Association
Department of Energy Weather Control
Colorado's Weather Modification Permit Program
Colorado: What is Weather Modification?
Weather Modification
Weather Modification by Cloud Seeding-A Status Report
The Physical Basis for Seeding Clouds
Oklahoma Weather Modification Demonstration
Water Resources Board Weather Modification Program
North American Weather Consultants
U.S. Water News Online
Ice Crystal Engineering
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